Friday, May 30, 2008

random survey, foo'!

A) people who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
B) tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. these people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by.continue this game by sending it to other people. (ok, i got it! >.<)

#1 if your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
>get on with life and act like nothing happened.

#2 if you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
>going to mars, then afterwards build a house there...away from civilisation!

#3 if there is a choice between boyfriend and friends,which will you choose?
>friends. 'coz...whatever.

#4 what kind of home do you think is suitable for living?
>no cockroaches and rodents and all those filth.

#5 what's your ideal lover like?
>smart, and respects me and likes me for who i am. period.

#6 which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
>isn't that like the question "which is better: to give or to receive?"?...i say both.

#7 How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
>i dunno.

#8 if the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
>wait, and get on with life while i'm on it.

#9 is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
>too much.

#10 is being tagged fun?
>i dunno. no reaction.

#11 how do you see yourself in ten years time?
>i don't see the future, thank you very much.

#12 who are currently the most important people to you?
>1st of all is God ^^...2nd goes to my family and friends.

#13 what kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
>i've been tagged by many, but i'm not so popular as you think!
...they're ok, i guess. xD...i mean, they're fun and all...

#14 would you rather be single & rich or married but poor?
>i dunno. and i don't care.

#15 what's the first thing you do every morning?
>get out of bed, duh.

#16 would you sacrifice your family time to enjoy with friends?
>even if i would dread it, nope.

#17 what is the thing that you cant bear to leave it aside?
>i dunno. i haven't thought of that. ask me 7 years later.

#18 what type of friends do you like?
>FUN, understanding, loyal, honest ones. ^^

#19 what type of friends do you dislike?
>BORING, demanding, unloyal, backstabbing, dishonest friends. rawr.

tagged by; amanda and joanna ^^
8 (un[?])lucky persons who are going to be tagged:
>YOU (i ran out of ideas.)

and so ends the survey.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

this ends today?

[one day before camp...i don't wanna die of boredom yet...]

...but i've already died of failure. i'm such a failure. my mid-year exam results suck, and i hear people rejoice of my failure....not that i spy on people, i just sense it.

...yeah, i do suck. and i still have german to face the results with.

...but yes, i didn't fail any subject. seriously. but...

>my amath was a lucky pass (seriously!)

>my emath was...well, badder than usual. (but better than something i would get in sec1)

>my social studies was good, i got the highest, but i could have done it better. good thing i wrote a lengthy one at the mushroom question. :P

>my geography was...well, ok, but i really could have done it better. looking from now, i know the answers, but i just panic at the sight of the paper...and the pressure of exams. let's just hope my ca can pull me up out of *loss of words to say*?

> my combined humanities was a b3. got beaten up by *mumbles person's name*...grr.

>my chem was...i didn't expect it to turn up that way. i had a few careless mistakes here and there...yeah. i need to work on the density blah blah thingymajig. but there was this one part that puzzled me the most...

>my physics...i guess i could've studied on it a bit more...especially the acceleration part. then i could've gotten full marks on it *wink wink nudge nudge*

>combined science: erm. no comment.

>my bio was a disappointment. i marked my otas form wrong (d was a c...and i knew it! >.<) essay was sucky. more details?

>my english:
composition: didn't believe a cliche story can actually get me away with it. that composition pulled up my marks. thank my detective story loving cousins...and some of the flash animations i've watched and the flash animation story ideas i've been thinking of. my letter writing kinda sucked, though, 'coz i poured all my time on the free writing...i love writing stories.
oral:thank you, miss toh! ^^
comprehension: if it weren't for my summary i could've flunked it.

>german: ich weiß nicht...aber ich weiß, daß es ein Ausfall ist.(use a translator for this, plzthnx.) in conclusion: it was worse than i thought.

i better get cracking if i don't want to have another failure.

...but i'll go for my holidays first. too much work is bad for you. ^^
1. get as much sleep as i can have (this won't be a problem)
2.train my grandchase+trickster online account.
3.finish storyline for comic series. yum.
4.start working on my comic project series,
5....and work on my sketching.
6.persuade parents to buy adobe flash and (by bro-mide's request) rct3.
7.learn html and css...
8....and soon make my own blogskin!
9.upload new music to my phone.
10.slim down.
11.go cycling.
12.ask parents to book bbq pit to bbq,duh. :P
13.ask parents if i can come to clique bbq party(?) holiday homework. NO CRAMMING AT THE LAST MINUTE. on my physics, chem and the two mathstuffs.

...that's a long list, but it's more fun than going to school (with the exception of the last two points.)

...i still have camp tomorrow, and i have to go for that digital video editing course. this video editing course is something i really need right now, since my parents give me the duty of editing videos when we are on an outing or going to an important event.

...i am waiting to get paid. :P

...gotta go pack my stuff. hoping to cross out most, if not, all of the things on my "holiday ajen-duh"

...and if possible, add more stuff to the list.

impending doom countdown: one night to go...goodbye my comfy bed, i'm gonna miss ya.

see ya!

Thursday, May 08, 2008

i'm soooooo sleepy.

"exams on my birthday. perfect."-me

yes, it was my birthday yesterday. everything was almost perfect, except for the fact that i have german test tomorrow. grr.

...even if there was still exams on my birthday, it was okay...
...even if some people forgot my birthday, it's okay...

...what i only need now is some sleep. i feel woozy after all those exams.
...and rain...i just want it to rain heavily.

okays, on to business. *stretches, yet eyes are still sleepy*

anyone know why i feel like i just took some medicine which makes me completely drowsy?
does anyone know something i don't? 'coz it's beginning to get weird around here.

i'll try to post back some other time when i'm not so sleepy.

*slacks off*
