Friday, May 22, 2009

*fails miserably*

Ah. I knew I'd meet disappointment yet again.

I knew we'd be such good friends.

Anyways. I'm quite disappointed with my results. I knew that my "lotsa effort" wouldn't be enough.

Back to the study table then...I mean, during the holidays. And devise another plan.

So here are my results (giving out percentage, because I want it that way):
>English: 64[B4] - very distressed over this one. Gotta work hard on my compre.
>EMath: 79[A1] - the only subject where Michael beat me. Must not allow that next time.
>AMath: 50[C6] - a just pass from a pity mark. Still, must not rely on luck next time.
>Humanities: 75[A1] - no good, must work harder.144.5
>Science (Phy/Chem): 85?[A1] - even if it's a high grade, i must try to get higher marks. :D
>Biology: 78[A1] - can't I do better? Yes, I think I can. far I predict that Huy will be first in class. I think Yu Juan will be second...or Xiao Ke.
Me?I'll be 11th. Hah.

I still have DSA forms to print out, and stuff to photocopy.

...doing it like I still got hope.

...I'm even doubting it if I'll actually make it.

...but there's no harm in trying right?

I can't always wait for my O-levels...I feel like I want to do something, but there's always a part of me that says, "you won't make it, what's the point of trying, you dimwit?"

...of course, there are times I try to prove that wrong...but today I really feel like giving up.

So what's my holiday agenda?
>Go for that remedial thingy.
>mull it over if I want to go for that chalet thing (if it's not cancelled)
>do holiday homework, of course.
>expectantly stare at the mailbox, hoping some school would accept a dreadful student like me.
>study, study, study, STUDY!!!
>motivate self to, y'know...Huy?
>keep hands off fridge.
>remember to go for warden duty.
>beat up the wall, 'coz it was useless.
>put head in toilet bowl. 'coz I'm full of fail and it deserves to go there.
>download adobe flash.

I have big plans for teh futur, but it seems like teh wurld doesn't want to cooperate. DAMN YOUUUUUUU.


Taking note:
>study physics and chem until IT'S STUCK IN UR HEAD AAAAAAAAAAH.
>practice amath and emath until your brain gets a meltdown.
>practice structured essays until your hands drop dead.
>study bio until it's pretty much part of your everyday life.

Being a student's a nightmare, ain't it?

I can't think of anything else right now. Haha.

Off to fill out forms and start writing for my experimental film.

Auf Wiedersehen. :D

(P.S. :Michael and Karl, if you're reading this, I swear I'll beat you. You'll see. Hahahaha :D C'mon, for friendly competition's sake? Lol)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I gots an oral exam later, so I'm gonna make this quick.



AHH, MY RESULTS WILL SURELY SUCK! allow me to sit in one corner and ponder how full of fail my life is.

Thank you.

(note: not going emo, just going through that paranoid result thing phase. don't get it? *shrugs*)

Wednesday, May 06, 2009



I've been sneezing since yesterday, but I guess my sore throat and cough pretty much subsided. classmates think I got the flu, but I'm guessing it's just a minor cold.

whoop. I'm feeling tad better already.

...perhaps all I needed was rest?


Now I gotta go mop the floor, cook rice then revise my geog.


Friday, May 01, 2009

serious business. :D

Hello. :D

I know I'm not updating much lately, and this blog's almost at its grave, so yeah. Can't do much about it, I'm risking myself getting caught again while doing this, but I don't least for today.

So, what is new in this never ending boring life?

> Global economic crisis? so months ago. :(

> Global warming? it sucks. Everyday is very hot, and I hate hot weather. It rarely rains, of which I'm very sad of. I say it's the rich and selfish people's fault, even though I've also played my part in contributing to this problem and is in no position to blame anyone, but hey, those rich and selfish people, in their greed, will waste energy in one way or another...and a lot of other things.

Right now, I'm making the situation worse by using this compy for no urgent reason. And to the reader, so are you. what can we do? I dunno. I'm not in the mood for environmental activism right now.

> Swine flu. Part of me is panicking, and another part of is saying "it's just ordinary flu, only more contagious. No need to worry."

...but with the world seeming to be in panic, how could I not shut that part of me which says "AAAAAAAH WE'RE GONNA DIE WTF IT'S THE FREAKING END OF THE WORLD AAAAAAAAAAAH" ? You tell me.

...weirdly, I'm not in the mood to panic. I'm more worried of the sore throat I got after that chocolate-eating I did last night. (woot) what will I do when it comes to SG? Stay at home, watch TV and do my online homework. And eat chocolate and probably chips. :)
...or panic.

> Mid year exams. I'm clearly procrastinating right now, but I know I shouldn't, if I want to get in VJC through DSA.

...back to work then. :/

will post next time I'm not busy. :P