Saturday, July 18, 2009

living on a prayer

Song got stuck in my's pretty much an old song (i dunno how old), my bro-mide kept playing it while i was browsing my parent's files in my compy (on accident, of course...*smiles guiltily)...

...if you wanna know what song it is, it's "Living on A Prayer" by Bon Jovi. It's quite nice actually. :D

i don't think i'd be updating much here anymore, and still haven't updated my "serious" blog. i have so many thoughts, but i don't have the time to type them down, and besides, i'm trying to lie low on the parent radar.

...which brings to the explanation why i can't go to any class event. i don't think my parents trust me enough to let me go, i'll never know why. i'll try to earn it back somehow, but right now i don't have one of them brillant plans yet.

except stealing the laptop to blog this. :D

yesterday someone told me to grow up. i've been mulling this over many times...i dunno. i feel like i should leave those immature times behind and move out to more responsibilties, but another side tells me i shouldn't grow up so fast...
i feel like i want to be in between, but life does not provide that option. darn it., now what? i'm not really sure.

O levels are coming soon. i've started revising a few nights ago...don't worry, i take a break once in a while.
People say if you did your best you shouldn't worry about your results. i'm more worried if people don't believe that i already put in so much effort...many would think it wouldn't be enough.
i'm actually more scared of facing eveyone in shame. i'm such a failure. :(

*sips coffee* perhaps i should drink less coffee, eh?

i envy many people who have lesser worries in life. Unlike me who have to keep up that high standards, they don't have to worry whether their parents would scold them for a low grade or being damn clumsy...i just wish i wasn't that smart. i just want to be a normal kid.

...But i don't think i will get my way in that. Because i wished many years back that i want to be someone extraordinary and stuff.

Well, like they say, be careful what you wish for, haha.

...But that doesn't mean i'm ungrateful for being smart and stuff. It does have its privileges.

...But i wish that being smart didn't include arrogance. Even my own arrogance irks me.


'til next post (which would most likely be next month). :)

(haven't you noticed that i don't capitalize my "i"s? well you should. you dunno what you're missing)