Friday, August 28, 2009

hallo und auf wiedersehen

if you can't see the title, it's "hallo und auf wiedersehen(sp?)"

hello because i'm updating this for the first time in months.

and goodbye because it might be might last post for this year.

anyways. on to business.

our principal told us to blog responsibly. well, i tried to. i used no vulgarities (if i did, i would censor it)...and i guess i did look into my grammar and spelling and stuff (please don't mind me typing in small caps - i'm in a rush).

...but i did made a couple of mistakes:
>like the time when i made personal attacks on people on my blog
>giving pretty much one-sided views
>mindless typing, if you know what i mean.

oh well. no one's perfect.

speaking of which. i'm not perfect, and i'm not the smartest student in the class. many things happened during the whole course of august.

firstly, i had my first outburst in class. i cried over a certain thing i do not want to talk about. while i was disappointed that there was no one who comforted me while i was crying (i guess they would not understand, i face such pressures. D:), i was glad my humanities teacher was able to straighten me up and pretty much made me snap out of it and stop feeling sorry for myself.

i was rather relieved that it was not the 'o' levels itself, although now i am doubting my own ability. what if i fail?!

oral exams was quite hard, with me forgetting a lot of things and pretty much embarrassing myself in front of the examiners. *hangs head in shame* but seeing how much more harder the next oral exams were, i was glad i was on the first day. :D i guess God has His ways...

now i am facing a certain question: is o-levels really worth suffering for?

i pretty much hope so.

i have almost abandoned my social life (not like i have any)
i spent sleepless nights trying to memorize formulas and a lot of other things.
...and a lot of other things.

please tell me all my efforts were not in vain.

i've gotta be honest, while i despise my smarts, i envy people who can get a's at subjects i'm not good at...and they make it look like it's some primary school question. i guess i will never be satisfied.

...but that doesn't mean i'm ungrateful person. or something along those words.

my whole class has been quite a pest lately. boys in the class are becoming even more moronic, doing things that cause nothing but bother to those who happen to be their hapless victims (er, what?). the girls...well, let's not get me started over that, shall we?

teachers' day is coming. i'm singing for the teachers, but i'm not going to shame myself once more by dancing to "nobody", please, no.

happy teachers' day, by the way, to teachers from my school who are reading this blog (like there are any). to find that ip tracker...

so long, until exams are finally over.
