Saturday, August 21, 2010

i'll meet you there :)

"I'll wait for you in my dreams,
underneath the starry sky,
because only in dreams we can meet
without anyone getting in our way..."

"And when you close your tired eyes,
I'll meet you there"
- I'll meet you there by Owl City

(Picture is drawn by takin' without my permission XD)

Friday, August 06, 2010


today was one of the worst days ever.

firstly, i was faced with one of my add-type moods (a.k.a. attention-seeking mood). i dunno why. i seemed to have ticked many people off today.

then, my brother lost his phone. his phone used to be mine, and it was my 2nd favorite phone that i've used. i was so enraged, i didn't talk to him the entire day, until like 5pm.

then there was that yog torch bearer practice. i missed econs lecture because i stood in front of g.o.. i was that type of person who got bored easily and didn't like wasting my time for something useless, so my random mode kicked in and started, silly stuff.
but anyways. i missed econs for this?! i mean, i'm not a huge econs fan, but i just don't like missing lessons. i still remember how sorta p-ed off i was during those soccer-cheering period (even though i didn't show this that much, except that time i was assigned to triton instead of atlas and missed bio *angry face*). i dunno, i just don't like the feeling of missing out on a lot of stuff, even though most of the time i doze off during lectures (but i'm more prepared this time. hahaha).

then after that we councillors had a scolding for the latecoming problem. i mean, i wasn't late this time, seriously. but what i was sorta ticked off was that it was moved back again to 710 am instead of 715. what really makes me wonder is that despite we come early, we still do duty late, don't we? (just hope the higher-ups don't see this. eeps.)
...what's more, doing study benches is demotivating (albeit me not doing that duty for this week.) you tell them to move, but all this falls on deaf ears. they only move when the teacher comes in. and i remember during my nominee days that when the teachers come in, the sc has not been doing a good job.
omg, i'm doing my job wrong then.
whaddya expect me to do, poke them until they move? i dunno anymore.

afterwards the whole thing i didn't have the motivation to move my butt to chem lecture, 'cause i knew lecture was gonna end soon. but good thing i went for the lecture. they were on optical thingymajigies already.

...when i went home i forgot to ask chun xi about the chem notes after being sucked in to a conversation with benj. stupid me.

then i went home and redid my gpp stuff. then afterwards i did my econs notes.

frustration kicked in when my parents asked me to help them move stuff (we just installed those ikea-type floors). i was so frustrated. i'm doing my work, can't they see that?
so when i finally couldn't take it hiding it anymore, i decided to show how angry i was.
guess that wasn't the right move to do, 'cause i got a mouthful later.
of course, it only made my evil mood worse.

graaaah. fortunately, i never lashed out at them (except thru body language, but i think i showed it too subtly they didn't notice -_-").

so now i'm venting my frustrations by furiously typing into my unfortunate lappy (sorry lappy dear!).

i'll end my ranting here.
see ya.