Wednesday, December 27, 2006


my post titles doesn't make sense.

anyways, i feel sick right now. i feel as if i'm burning, my throat hurts, and feel like i wanna puke. i dunno, i feel like i'm gonna faint.

...i'm having the worst vacation ever. i don't wanna talk about i'm gonna end this post. now.

Monday, December 18, 2006

jigga jugga wugga

i'm feeling random today...x_X

anywayz...some of my former classmates emailed me...(woot! they still remember me!) and although one emailed me and it was like it could be considered as know what i'm talking about...

anywayz...i think this could be my worst christmas ever. or maybe i'm just too depressed.

this is all i can post for a hurry. plus i have to redesign this whole look...more html thingies...lotsa stress.


Thursday, November 16, 2006

my tooth hurts...x_X

yeah. it hurts. again. the last time was on the previous school holidays (i was spending it in the philippines, you can find stuff about it in one of my previous posts) and i ate 15 or so bars of cloud nine chocolate bars and 3 idunnowhatbrand candies (yes, my sweet tooth is that active). that toothache disappeared a day later, i was in singapore already. another toothache appeared/happened/whatever verb is appropriate last week, this time on another tooth, because of too much chocolate. i didn't have much sleep because of that, and it lasted for 3 days. now it's back. i better stop eating lots of chocolate, it's also making me fat.

anywayz, joanna was asking me on the phone for the past few days why i haven't been going on choir practice. i'm already in a lot of trouble since i'm not attending choir practices, but there's a lot of reasons why. (there's every reason to something, right? not really.) i'll just post some of them:

1. elder sister duties. my mother started working already and this made my life worse. i have to send my brother to school and then fetch him home. although his school starts not that early, i've got lotsa chores to do. which apparently some of you haven't experienced, even though they're the eldest.

2. this would contradict the previous reason, but this happens occasionally. i wake up really late during the holidays. sometimes it's because i stay up really late because of holiday homework. sometimes i dunno why i wake up late.

3. err...i've got important places to go to. don't even ask where, 'coz i won't tell you.

that's all i can post now. i hope that would lessen those phone calls. and pay less for the phone bill. not that i hate your phone calls, joanna. i'm just sick of my parents asking why someone calls, bla bla bla.

anywayz...i might be back on choir practice when my bro's school holiday starts. i just hope this type of school holiday is over, because it does not feel like it.

Friday, November 10, 2006


ok...i can't think of a title...

anywayz, beat-up mode is finally in looks harder than i thought, but is fun nonetheless. i'm sitting in front of the computer, thinking WHAT AM I PUTTING IN MY PICZO SITE??? seriously, i can't think of anything. it's only because a friend wants me to have a website...maybe is hould post some homestar runner pics over there? i don't know.

it's so noisy downstairs. nobody cares anyway. probably some of those "i'm on a holiday and now i'm going downstairs to be noisy like i'm so crazy and nobody would care anyway" kind of people. like i'm going to do anything about it. i'd rather be bored to death in my room than get into some kind of trouble.

come to think of it, it's rather unfair that some students get earlier school holidays than others. my brother's already complaining about it. but would it make sense if all schools had school holidays at the same day?

i'm thinking nonsense. it always happens when i'm bored.

i got to go. i'm already typing some typos, which apparently i corrected before i published this post. and all of the words don't have much capitalization. (is capitalization with a z or an s?)

Monday, October 30, 2006


ok...i haven't posted for days...sorry 'bout that.

and now it's the school holidays. i'm still in express when i'm sec 2....i became first in class (i didn't know i actually did that)...and i'm in my room, bored to death. what's more to do?

i dunno. and i didn't go for choir practice today (aren't school holidays meant to not going to school?) and i'm also busy with the holiday homework (and aren't holiday supposed to have no homework?)

woah. school here's stressful, it's like you're mentally in school when you shouldn't have to bother about school since it's the holidays. in fact, i don't think they really have school holidays in here!

sorry for the violent comment about school over there. *mumbles*

ok...gotta go.

Friday, October 13, 2006

again, no title.

I just posted yesterday (was it?)...and here's another post today.

You better check out these blogs:

They're my friends blogs...including the blog I posted one time.

Ok. So I'm free today...and now I'm going to play Audition Online. Or FlyFF. Or maybe check out I can't decide.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

*no title* title. *bangs head to wall*

ok. the exams are over, although i think things aren't turning back to normal as they should. firstly, i lost choreography a lot of times now (just like when the first time i played it) but i noticed the last few weeks i was doing well. now, i don't feel any better, except for the fact i woke up at 10 aomething this morning, which was my usual weekend time of waking up. or was it 11.30?

okayz...i'll end my post here.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

examzzzz -_-"

I've been playing too much online games, I already know that. I'm already writing and speaking 133tspeak in school already, at least my classmates know what I'm talking about.

So, yeah. It's my end-of-year exams already, and I should be sitting down and reviewing. I want to head is aching already...too stressed...><

A few days more then it's art. I'm bad at it...although my parents and some people think so. I got a failing grade for it once, then I got scolding from my parents because "they expect better from me".

Also, I might change to another school. I dunno why, my parents think so.

[Note to self: MAKE YOUR OWN DECISIONS!!!]

Ok, I really got to go. 'Til the next post.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

worst dayz

Yesterday. The worst day ever to me.


I was late for german oral exams yesterday, and good thing the teacher wasn't tight with the rules. And I found out yesterday I got a low mark in maths. I'm gonna get scolding, most probably.

You better check out my friend's blog: (2 posts currently)

That's as far as I can remember for yesterday. The bad thing today was I went on this dental check-up and I hate it. Seriously.

G2G. I'll be reverting to less violent posts this time. Really.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


wahehe...never posted for days...

on the first week of september I went to Philippines on vacation and it was cool! The only thing that bothered me was that it was really hot there. I kinda miss my home already.

Anyway, school was a drag. Our geography teacher was out and the substitute teacher was absolutely IRRITATING! She makes us do a lot of schoolwork and she never even explained what those stuff are really about. I like the previous substitute teacher better.

Literature last week was also stupid. My classmates (actually some of them) forced us to bring along our books home but when me met our teacher yesterday, we found out that our "effort" to bring our books home was useless.

My English teacher asked me to read a book review after our end-of-year exams period. I cannot refuse, because the longing for a better image in the school made me do it. I dunno what's wrong with me. >_<

Our Maths teacher is organizing a trip to the Singapore Zoo (yes, I live in Singapore) because we "did a very good job in our class test". Well, at least I can escape school while I'm at the zoo, 'coz teacher said this will be done during school hours, so me and the rest of my classmates would out from school for a while.

(sorry for my bad grammar.)

OK, I got to go. My parents totally disagrees on this whole blog thing, but I'd try to put one in once in a while.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

a country's 41st birthday

yes. it was national day yesterday at where i am. now guess where i am.

currently i'm watching a webcast of the NDP2006...i wasn't able to watch it yesterday since me and my parents had an outing...which made my skin complexion darker. oh crap.

tuesday was quite boring, the only thing i was looking forward to was going home early. i just put on a fake smile, just for the sake of the other people who are native here (i'm actually a foreign student here...guess where my homeland is.).

but i'm not actually say that i don't like this country. it's just that i don't want to forget my homeland like the other did. and also my friends who live there.

another hint for those who wanna guess where i am: its national stadium will be closed down next year to make way for a sports hub. *sob*

ok then. i can't think of other events that happened for the past days...excpet that my chocolate consumption was higher than before. and i finally found out what happens when you roast marshmallows.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

stupid week

This is my most busiest week. And the week isn't even over yet.

You see, my school (I'm a student, lol) made me a student leader...Choir practice goes everyday (since Monday...due to the upcoming National Day...guess where I'm staying ;D)...and our Maths teacher gives us lots of homework. Could anything be more worse????

Actually, yes. I still have to do some project work since the other group members hasn't even done anything. So now I ditched Choir practice (don't tell anyone) just for this work. I've already informed the leader about it...But still, due to their stubborness, we could not do much about it.

*sigh* I wouldn't let anything else escape my, I'm gonna end this post. Right now.
