Friday, September 28, 2007


finally. i found a new blogskin down at

i'm so darn sleepy.

why am i blogging when it's the exams week? 'coz i'm crazy, that's what.

anywayz...i'm off to revise for whatever exam comes next.

lol. voltage, current and resistance.

lyzz, signin' off!

Thursday, September 27, 2007


this com is so laggy!

...will be changing blogskin soon. and will be designing a new one sooner or later.

i must be crazy. said the f-word once this morning...which i told myself i wouldn't do...but it was out of pure anger and frustration! c'mon, who would want getting splashed by rainwater?


like i got anything to say.

i just come here for fun. so. now. what. should. i. do. next.


look for a new blogskin, perhaps?

lyzz, signin' off!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


i'm going crazy! >.< i think with all this stuff to do's and whatnot, i might just end up in a lunatic asylum just because of too much stuff going on.

first of all (this is not an essay), i got this exams coming there's this tons of revision worksheets...i know they're for our own good, but it's completely making me crazy-go-nuts! plus i lost my "inspiration" for my art what am i supposed to do? go move out to another galaxy, start a new life there and try to adapt...or move to another country...or maybe move to another school or something like that.

whatever. i'm just another deranged so-called everyone calls me "action"'s not my fault, i'm just doing what i usually do in a test or an exam...and most importantly i never cheat...i'm not idiotic enough to do so.


i might be losing my friends just because of this "gift" but why can't they just accept me for who i am????? *completely in a crazy, insane state of mind right now...and frustrated* maybe i should just change schools...they won't mind, and it would be better for them 'coz there wouldn't be much competition anywayz.

i'm completely losing my cool right now...with this pre-exam stress i'm facing, who can't help but being frustrated and that urge to bang yourself to the wall? i need something to "blow it off" with...perhaps killing monsters would help...

whatever. i'm off to study, and pour out my stress by punching a pillow. xD *like i would do that*

lyzz, signin' off!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

...err, yah...//

it's human to err, you know.

i could be back blogging like the usual if i am able to sneak up. my apologies also for not going to the bbq party thing and not finishing the ipw project.

misery loves me so much, huh? i've been very busy lately i rarely have time to do fun stuff...including this.

if i want to and if i get hold of a videocam or digicam, i might go vlogging. without my face on it. how? use a sock! xD

lyzz, signin' off!

...nothing gold can stay...//

we all learnt it the hard way.

(btw...i had 1 post ommited and 1 post in drafts 'coz it's offending)

jina died on monday...(or was it saturday? >.<)...i miss her so much, she was such a nice person...i couldn't forget th time we first met her, the first day of secondary 2 life. she was a smart girl, and i will always remember her. we went to her funeral wake a while ago...i tried to hold back the tears but it started flowing uncontrollably until that area below my left eye became irritated because of repeated rubbing of tissue paper on that area...almost all of the girls cried...her mother cried so loudly i felt sorry for her since of course she was jina's mother and jina was their only child...i also saw min jung there, i also saw her crying because she (jina) was kinda like her (min jung) best friend when min jung was still in btss...her mother told me she saw me in jina's pictures, possibly those pictures jina took in class...i feel really sorry for her parents (second time saying it.)...tomorrow they will go back to korea so this is like our final farewell to jina.

things happen so fast. most good things don't stay for too we must treasure them.
...which is possibly what robert frost(?) meant.

-ommited sentence--end of ommited sentence--

i officially quit maple during the school holidays. which is also part of project: new leaf. i almost forgot about that project until the september holidays.

*salutes...this time it's for jina*
lyzz, signin' off.

[man, my blog's cobwebby. haven't updated it for a long time...i'm not as free as some people...]