Friday, December 28, 2007


lol...i wasn't able to do much of any holiday homework...i've been pretty busy the past few weeks.
i am soooo doomed.

it's not my fault, i have to look after my my parents out in helping with the arrangements for the church on the simbang gabi-thingymajig...and also assist in that christmas-party thingy.
and i think no teacher would believe this or understand this.

...not even a fellow student.

so why give us holiday homework? isn't holidays supposed to be nothing related to school? (this has been a student's point of view. they always heard about the parent's point of view...and the teachers need rest too, you know?) aren't we students supposed to switch off our minds just this once? can't we have that one month without anything related to school? you can't blame us slacking off in school, 'coz we weren't able to do that the whole vacation...we were slumped doing homework.

and another note: some parents actually think their children might be free the whole vacation, so they started making us go to some camp, or something extra-curricular (in my case it would be flooding my room with laundry and asking me to fold it. :P). no matter how much we try to convince them that we have our own lives too...well, it makes things worse.

and now my pc acts like crazy.

i heard that joanna's really set on changing schools (reason: "biology's pretty futureless for me" [joanna, somewhere near end of school term])...i'm sure about soham ("i got accepted in RI!"-soham, translated from sms form)

me? i'm staying. reason?
1)"wala nang slot sa hai sing or sa chij ehhhhh"-my mom [translation: there are no more slots/vacancies at hai sing or at chij...]
2) i'm pretty adjusted to good ol' btss already......
3) i lurrrrrve bio!
4) dun wan the whole changing-school again routine. i've been through that, and seriously, you wouldn't like it....or you will?
5) what? i'd be learning to use flash next year anyway...i don't want to lose that chance...;P

so goes my list.

and if the whole gang changes school, i'd be lonely and alone, which i wouldn't mind, since i've been actually alone the whole school year.
and ever since that guy came everything started crumbling.
i remember that time when joanna told me she liked him i ask myself what the heck does she see in him? he's not really that physically attractive (nor am i, for that matter)...
or has he been covering up his true self when he's joanna and shows us, joanna's friends, a different side of him?

well, he has been acting strange when jo's around.

but i don't mind if no one believed me...i know nothing.

i'm as dumb as a rock.

see ya

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


hi! merry christmas!

what have i been up to the past few weeks?

i was out on simbang gabi, a filipino's kinda like a novena...we attend mass for 9 days...yup. despite some annoyances, and standing up for the whole duration of the mass 'coz there's a lot of people, it was kinda ok...i was able to meet robert sunga anyway in the process. however i only got a photo...i wasn't able to get an autograph -_-"

--next paragraph erased due to lack of interest--

--end of deleted paragraph--

oh yeah, i have been hearing some songs down the net, and i think this one's kinda good (click on the words "this one")

i gotta go...going to watch national treasure ^^


Thursday, December 06, 2007


huzzah! 50th post! *celebrates*

ok. i'm back. it's december. there's that certain frosty air that's settling in (i hate makin' up phrases like these, lol)...and i'm not half done with my homework. why won't they let us slack off during the holidays? they know we're also busy during the holidays, they're only making our holidays worse! i positively hate holiday homework! can someone tell me why the heck are they giving us holiday homework? i mean seriously, we, the students, are not robots who don't need to rest.

ok. enough of the rambling.

*breathes in, breathes out*

i haven't been able to play audi for a long secondary pc ('coz my bro own'd me into owning that pc) my father had to "reset the pc". so all the files had to go "bye-bye". and now i am currently bring things back into normality. and now my audi skills sucked. not that i'm complaining or anything.

*types* this keyboard sucks and my pc lags.

i won't be able to design a blogskin, so don't expect anything from me until i get that dreamweaver-thingy. however, i can still edit my sketch-thingies without the use of photoshop, 'coz i'm using something somewhat similar to a photoshop. so i can design something for my upcoming project. lolz.

so what is up with the times? i know some are having jobs right now...i'm currently doing a home job (in simpler terms, house chores)...i don't think i'm gonna get paid (lol) until school begins (in the form of school allowance xP)
sometimes i hate staying at home but sometimes i like hanging out with my parents 'coz i like the way how witty they are. it might be embarrasing to some, but hey, it's not as if you can replace your parents (the replacements? yeah right, as if.)...i've learned to accept them as they are, they're my can even check my dna on that, lol. although i kinda doubt that part on the dna thing. not really sure on my existence and stuff >.<

wow. as nikita said one time when we were riding bus 58 together, "when it's nearing school vacation you'd wish it's school holidays already, but when it the school holidays you'd wish that school days would start already." well, she did had a point on that one, especially when i'm suffering from "school-holiday syndrome" already. i am bored as heck. anything interesting would only interest me for one time only, don't ask me why, because although i know the reason, i wouldn't tell you. :P

that's all i can pour in...hope i can still ramble on and on and on...but my mind's blank. lol.

mariel, signin' off! (didn't expect that, eh?)