Monday, September 29, 2008

exam week. ah the misery.

Belated birthday greetings to Amanda. Was not able to sms you as my phone was "abandoned" the whole day...and besides the fact that I was being bossed around the whole day and was subjected to the biasness of my'll get the point eventually.

EXAM RA[n]TING (whee.)

English Paper 1
[Status: Done!]: I'm sure to flunk it. The fact that my situational writing was rushed (as usual) and that my section 1 compo was not well written out. The section one was kinda a "sequel" (How do i get to do these things, seriously?) of my compo at the Mid-year Exams. I don't think the marker will get around to this fact...I bet the readers reading now won't also. I'll type out my first and second compo papers when they get out, which I'll bet will be real soon.

Social Studies [Status: Pending]: Studying right now. Studied also last night (mostly a read-through) until the F1 telecast started (let the whole world know I'm an F1 fan. :D). Afterwards I read it again, and was bored until I slept. I woke up this morning with the book on the floor. Blah.

English Paper 2 [Status: Oncoming 03/10]: Compre is one of my weakest points. Yes, I know the definition of this word and that, and I understand the whole story, but I don't know how t express my thoughts into words. I'm a weird person, lol.

EMath Paper 1&2 [Status: Oncoming 03/10 & 08/10]: I'm gonna need a lot of practice on my Math, and I need to brush up on Properties of Circles. Prepare for lots of doom. :D

Biology [Status: Oncoming 06/10]: I guess the MCQs will be a breeze, but that is something I wouldn't be proud of (full marks on the MCQs). I have to study, study, study, memorize and a lot of other stuff. With the essays and the structured questions, I'm sure to be KO'd.

Geography [Status: Oncoming 06/10]: Ms Choo said the exam would be mainly on Food Geography, which is my weakest point. I wish it would've been Natural Vegetation or Development Indicators instead...I never get the easy ones...-_-"

Amath Paper 1&2 [Status: Oncoming 07/10 & 09/10]: Prepare for even more doom. I'm gonna need all the help I need for Partial Fractions and that Trigonometry thing. There are still a lot of things I don't and probably will never understand, like why the heck am I learning this.

Chemistry [Status: Oncoming 08/10]: The way I learn Chemistry is different from how other people teach me, so there. I better go practice that mole-thing.

Physics [Status: Oncoming 09/10]: I hope Mr Lew will make it a tad easy like last time. Light, Measurement, Molecular properties and other stuff, I'll guess I'll be OK, but it's just that speed thing I won't get to understand. I better ask my parents about this.

F1 Racing thoughts

AWWWWW CRUD. There were a lot of mishaps during the race, which were all crashes (kaboom!). In the end, Alonso won. Disappointed that neither Massa nor Raikonnen (sp?) won, but was satisfied that Hamilton at least got a third. Man, that guy was faaaaast. I seriously wish I could drive that fast, or be a racecar driver, for that matter. Girls can race too, don't ya know? It's just that some aren't so into it, most are only obsessed with other stuff.


I wish my life is exciting, and wasn't so mundane. I mean, I'm not really sure what I want it my life right now, the only thing I'm sure of is that I want it to be interesting. No, I'm not wishing for something like having an exciting job like a rocket scientist (ok, maybe I do.)...I just want something out of this life that is, well, interesting.

'coz nothing in this life interests me. (A la "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, which I recommend as a must-watch anime. Kyon is cuuute :D)

I'm bored. Not even sports or something creative will alleviate this boredom.

Signin' off,
Mariel (who is still bored at the moment)

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