Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Hallo all!

TJC-Expose (with a thingy on top) Night:
It went well, I guess...but I was tired-out afterwards. Finale was funny, with Jing Shi tripping(or slipping?) at one part. And the choir performance? Well, some tripped during the second song (Xin Ying, you know who I am talking about! ^^)...and I was smiling like complete idiot, andI dunno if it was worth it.

There was some person I resented during the rehearsals...she was such a nag. She acts like she's one of the choir comittee, and she's such a killjoy. I bet she hates me so for being such a crazy person in choir. I mean, I have to be crazy in choir, or else I'll die of boredom! Seriously!

I hope she doesn't read this.....

...but now I'm too happy to be angry with anyone! ^^

Con3 retreat:
It was an awesome experience! ^^
Besides the Praise and Worship sessions, which was lots of fun and wasn't a waste of my energy, well, the other activities were nice. Especially the pray-over. I've never experience so much joy and peace in my entire life. ^^

I bet no one will understand this feeling. But He will. :D

Report book-stuffs:
Was pulled down by my AMath marks. Which means one thing: I have to work very hard.

There is this one conspiracy going on about the grading for a certain person in our class, who just came in in the second semester. She was able to have high grades just 'coz her grades in the first semester when she was in class 3a1 (which was pretty high, I bet) was combined with her grades in the second semester, wich means she gets nice-high grades, which is unfair for most of us who worked hard and were in the e-class since the start of the year!

...And still quite irked by the point that someone like me with no mother tongue can be beaten by a *ehem* just because they have high marks in mother tongue! If they have such high marks, why don't they go for higher mother tongue? It's not much competition for the people in their mother tongue class if they're so good at it already, they should be moving on to a higher level!

...and besides, having higher mother tongue gives good perks, according to my education-system research. They can give you a 2-point bonus in the 'O' levels...and I'm not kidding.

So, why should they stick having a medium level (no offence, ok?), when they can go for higher mother tongue?

Lol, I think I should go for a debate club when I go to a JC. And I mean 'if' I go to a JC. Lol!

Holiday Homework!:
>Biology - 25% done!
>AMath - 0% done
>EMath - 0% done

Miscellaneous stuff!:
Must think positive, no matter how bleak the future might be. LOL!

The not-so-obvious things make the biggest problems.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

it's a double post!


I still remember I have a lot to talk about. Meh.

My typing speed: about 40 words per minute. :D

My TwilightMS characters: LyzziAnne [Chief Bandit] - lvl82
Lyzzie125 [Ice/Lightning Wizard] - lvl 48

Mood: Obnoxious, Melancholic, Bored, Oblivious.

Thinking of: Continuing fanfic, do report on the LNS, making a dA, finish my OC, vacation.

Wants to write on: rants, politics, and a lot of other stuff.


Signin' off,

Events and other stuffs.

95th post...but I won't celebrate yet until it's a 100.

I still got lots to do.


>very late b-day gift-art for amanda (2% done)

>also late b-day gift-art for michael (0% done)

>blogskin for moi (1% done)

>numbuh 2 fanfic (20% done, can be posted on fanfic.com already.)

>another knd fanfic (10% done)

>finish working on my knd character (50% done)

>work on the holiday homework (0% done)

>review, review, review! (????)

On to business.

I'm reporting in at school, on one of the school's pcs. They work darn slow, but it'll have to do. Besides, I still have modem-hunting to do at home.

Dang, the people here in the back are noisy. No wonder Anh moved her seat somewhere in the front.

I've heard noisier. Lol.

Yesterday we went to the Discovery Centre and Army museum. I tell you, the army museum is uber cool, dude. Seriously. You should check out their Object theatre...the show would've been even more awesome if the people there wouldn't be such noisy cowards.

Such idiots.

Random note:





aRe idiots.

Ugh, how can the KND production team come up with such good acronyms?

XY has an online-shopping thingy, or whatever they call it. PLEASE CHECK IT OUT.

Koenigsberg = Kingsberg. My german never fails me, unless in an exam. ^^

My tagalog is better. Hah.

Youth Rally last Saturday was fun. It wasn't a waste of time and energy...Plus there was this cool priest from Philippines who came to had this very interesting talk...which I forgot what it is about.

...too bad One Way wasn't in their song list. *takes note that One Way is a must for all Praise and Worship sessions, until people are sick of hearing the song*

Huy is gonna top the class this year. And I have this weird gut feeling that my results is gonna be awful. And my gut feeling hasn't been wrong yet...or has it?

Meh, my intuition is weird.

I gotta go, otherwise I am gonna get caught.

Auf Wiedersehen,

Mariel (some say my name sounds german. how would i know where my parents derived my name from?)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

private servers, blogskins and a whole lotta detective stories.

creative title, eh?

uhm...never mind if i said that.

1st and foremost, happy belated birthday to michael.

that adds up to my to do list:
>very late b-day gift-art for amanda
>also late b-day gift-art for michael
>blogskin for moi (put off a lot of times)
>numbuh 2 fanfic
>another knd fanfic (lol, lotsa fanfic to do..argh)
>finish working on my knd character, which is (still!) being edited on gimp...('coz I don't have photoshop)
>work on the holiday homework (which won't start until the holidays start)
>review, review, review!

2ndly, anyone can help me on making a web-design for the class website (see class web link for details)? it really needs refurbishing...seriously. only then i can publicly announce its presence in class.

probably you have noticed a whole lot of activities devoted to my knd fandom...can't help it, since now i have nothing else to alleviate my boredom. and besides, where else can i share my fandom to?

private server?
i'm currently downloading twilight-maplestory...a private server on maple global. why did i decide to come back on maple even though i swore that i wouldn't be involved with it again?
...because, my brother lured me bcak in. he told me he'd give me meso if i came back. so i did. but he only came in for one week...and like the first time i played maple, i got stuck on it again.
...oh why am i like this?

yup, i know michael and xin ying jumped on the blogskin-making bandwagon (lol!)...i decided to have a go at it again (even after my failed attempt a long time ago). it proved to be very hard work. perhaps i'll go over the basics of html first. then i'll head on to business.
...but for now, i'll hang on to my current blogskin. i like it purple-ness.

whole lotta detective stories?
...the first detective story i read was a sherlock holmes book, which i forgot the name of, which i borrowed from my cousin. i got hooked on it, and my hooked-ness was continued when i read the hound of the baskervilles, another sherlock holmes book given to me by my aunt. then i took a long break from detctive stories....a very long break.
...i went to the library at pasir ris. nothing but love stories, love stories, love stories...and not much of the other genres. i only managed to get hold of a detective story at the children's section (seems like they have more variety of genres, lol), which was half moon investigations, written by the same author who wrote artemis fowl (:D).
...and this inspired me on my numbuh 2 fanfic...and for the rest of the story, i guess only knd fans will understand. xD

i wasn't so satisfied with my exam results. i even doubt that it was my work, and i even doubt the marking system of it. except biology, of this i know how it goes.

i doubt i'll get into the top 3. with these results, i bet i won't be on stage next speech day. so much for girls beating boys.

*hits wall*

i guess i still have a bit of resentment for michael young, for beating me on a lot of things. i dunno, i just couldn't accept it. it's like amanda being upset being beaten in english. or me being beaten by someone like ashwin in biology (mid-year exams).

i don't understand things. where could i had gone wrong?

is everything i know wrong?

has the world turned against me?

has it turned upside down?

most importantly, am i where i am supposed to be?

random question: am i in the right dimesnion? xD

did things happen the way they do now just because of a phrase i uttered last semester: "i give up!"?

i guess things are just too complex for me.

i gotta go. otherwise i'll get caught on my escapade today.
