Tuesday, October 30, 2007

diagnosis: hysterical.//

okays. since this blogskin doesn't show the title, i'll tell you what it is. it's "diagnosis: hysterical". why was it so? i'm beginning to think i'm insane, ever since that "i-bonked-my-head-into-the-wall" incident...i didn't go to the doctor after that, since i though it wasn't very serious, i wasn't feeling dizzy anyway after that and i didn't faint and die after that...but i think i got my self a head concussion (see dictionary.com for details)...

nah. impossible. i'm just makin' up stuff.

anywayz, hooray! school's out...finally, vacation! time for a little r&r!

and i'm in the express class next year (ya, it was very obvious...but remember when i got 12th or 11th place in class?)...hope i get into the a-math express class-type...thingy. xD

i got 2nd place...blame my german for it...and my art improved to a b3! how cool is that? perhaps participating in my mother's gardening isn't so bad after all!...well, even if i get 2nd place, it won't mean i'm satisfied already...even if i got myself a new handphone after that...i still have to strive to be first. sec 3 won't be that easy, you know.

>wait for november 6...getting sick of the suspense. :P
>make blogskin
>sketch stuff. what stuff? when i'm in sec 4, you'll probably know.
>work on my art...second reason for the agenda above
>work on my math...i study too much, but it's worth it, okay?
>finish this pile of laundry
>enjoy the holidays...
>ask my father if he filed "the leave" already (not resignation!!!)
>keep eyes glued to deviantart for endzone final results
>sleep xD
>do holiday homework! VERY IMPORTANT!
>less eating...more working.

that's a lot to do...but school's a long time away, right???

a definite no. i don't have all the time in the world. dimwit.

lyzz, signin' off!

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