Sunday, November 04, 2007


before anything else, i would like to say that i, the girl whose real name starts with m, has finally gotten over the whole "i-was-actually-third-in-class-because-he-got-better-mt-grades-than-me" thing. but seriously, who can blame them? it's their mother tongue. me? i'd be sec 4 when the whole "filipino-is-considered-as-a-mt" is finally approved.

i know. nothing in this entire world is fair, which also might be the reason why i got third in class (i got over it already!) no matter how hard i try.

whatever. i'll just let it be. there's always a next time.

so 'kayz, i heard mich's gonna transfer schools, joanna's thinkin' of doing so too. hamza's still wanting, i mean, aiming to go to victoria sec (reason: cricket, lolz)...i dunno about amanda, xy and js though. same goes for soham. me? i have no hope of leaving the school. i wanted to go to nus high school of science and math...that school sounds awesome, you academic means.

well, advanced sayonara to all those who are leaving. although i don't see any difference between the "combined" and "pure" part of science they're offering. they're almost the same anyway, so i see not much reason to, um, erm, never mind. and besides, i don't think the words "pure biology/physics/chemistry" sounded like proper english. what would i know, i'm an AmE user, unlike the vast majority here that uses BrE. :P

i feel very emo today, or was it because of the music i'm playing on the pc?

oh yahs, hooray for a-maths! and bon voyage to amanda, xy and js!

currently, i'm trying to find my previous classmates at ph on friendster. so far i've seen some people that does seem familiar...i dunno if they remember me (i don't think they do...)...but i'd rather not get my hopes high.

>new class blog (3E1)
> studies thingymajig
> card?

Holday Homework: Science(done!), Math(ongoing), Social Studies(needs help)

lyzz, signin' off!

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