Sunday, January 27, 2008


for once i want the world to just shut up. i want them to leave earth and let me be alone. i want people to just get out of my way.

sometimes i'm just really frustrated on how people act. but i don't want a perfect world (note:utopia)...i never wanted anything like that.

some people just think that they're smarter than anyone else. i know some people are smart, but if i were smart, i'd keep it low key. ok, we know you're smart, but there is absolutely no need to show off. so shut that little trap of yours. i know some people are smarter than me in some things, but as i said, no need to show off.

some people think that they're perfect so they go off criticizing people. but they're not perfect. there is no such thing as perfect in this world. even if they have them "attractive qualities" doesn't mean they're perfect. the only person i know that is perfect is God...and even though we're imperfect, he still loves us, and accept us for who we are...and try to lead us back to the good side, eventually. not like other people who are such snobs who think they're perfect and go tell others off. i won't shoot, ok?

some people are so damn self-centered, that they think everything must be focused on them. i dunno why this is so, when they get the most attention all the time.

who am i ranting about? myself. why? i am such a show-offy, snobbish, self-centered jerk. that's right. a jerk. i know you'll ask, why do i look at myself that way? 'coz that's who i really am.

and yeah, other people are like that too, they just don't dare admit it. yeah, as i said in my previous post, you might think that i am all that, but i'm not. i've got emotions too, which is both a blessing and a burden. >.< (really sorry for dumping this to the readers, seriously.) i know some people are outcasting me, but, to the people who i've dumped on this matter, no need to stand up for me. i can do this on my own. i positively can. i don't need that guy anymore. like i'm gonna care if whatever happens to him. really. i've got other people to hang out with. forgive and forget, even if it means i have to forget that person ever existed.

yeah, i know those people have their own world, and thereby leaving me out of the matter, but i don't really care if they do. i've got my own matters to think about. i still have a whole life ahead of me, and i won't waste my time moping around just 'coz i got outcasted. not anymore.

i know the class is clique-ish. but that doesn't mean that going around without a clique makes you a loser. it's not true. i know someone who thought so, but living by that ideal makes you too dependent on your friends, and in some instances, makes you more of a loser. a definite low.

i like my own company for this time only, thanks. i have a life too, ya know.

oh yeah, did you hear of the guy who did not have a life? he said he did have one, and he bought it off the convenience store, but i think it's not working for him.

so really sorry for dumping the crap on the readers. and to those who got hit by my rants, there's a filipino saying, which goes like this:
"batu-bato sa langit, ang matamaan, ay 'wag magalit"
which means if you ever got affected if someone talks about you in a subtle way (like this rant), don't ever get angry. ^^

see ya,

(this post has been inspired by:
simple plan - shut up

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

snuck in.

heh...sneaked in to post something.

whatever others say about me being perfect, ain't true.
i was never perfect. never.
you can scold me anything you want. you can tell me to shut up. i don't care anymore.even if you have a higher position(electoral, academic or whatever) than me, i don't care, 'coz you're just as whacked as me...we're just showing others a false facade. we've always been.

yeah, i know i'd get angry at you, sometimes i'd just give you the cold shoulder. 'coz that's just how i feel. if i were able to spill everything it would take days to finish.
remember what mdm (ms? mrs? meh.) wong said? "no regrets"...i don't think i couldn't live by it...i've had too many regrets in my life.

to you all, you'd think my life's positively perfect. you'd think i'd make up excuses so that i don't have to go for this meeting and stuff.
i'm waaaaaay busier than you. yeah, it might not mean i'd get the position i was clinching for since last year (it was an electoral one, btw. see previous blogposts.), but somehow, i don't feel like i regretted it. i'd rather have it that way. yeah, i know you're so free. you wanna know what my sched is like? lemme see:
monday-remedial starting next week+housechores+homework
....and it goes on...

yeah, i know you'd be asking, why not ask your parents to make you stop doing housework, hmmm?
'coz i'd rather have learnt something related to housework rather than get married without knowing anything about the house and be useless, 'coz a house reflects that of the person who's doing the housekeeping, wherein mostly in this case, is the wife.

don't try to be arrogant with me. i know you've got a lot of friends, especially in the sec2. they're all supporting you, so don't go emo on me saying "no one cares about me"...i won't be able to comfort you, i'd probably make it worse. i know some of the choir members (especially current sec2s) are rooting for you. i don't mind, as long as you don't abuse your authority. if you do, well, things wouldn't be good.

so who was i ranting about? my next door neighbor. more details? ask me over the phone. it's more private there.

i'm thinking of switching this blog to private. >.<
i'm working on the new class website.
i'm studying for my social studies test.
i'm busy ranting over here.

that song that inspired me to post for no reason:
simple plan-perfect

Thursday, January 10, 2008

drownin' at the southeast asian homework sea.

it has been, like days that i haven't blog'd. i've got tons of homework to do...and i haven't even done yet *sobs*

even if i won't get a high (electoral) position this year, whether a chairperson or a neya exco, i don't care. i'm kinda sick of the school i have to direct my attention to something else.

i've been so stressed lately, if it weren't for some optimists i would be dead right now. seriously. i've got tons of homework to it seems like wednesday's my most busiest day in a week. just this wednesday i was supposed to go for choir, neya meeting and german class...i dunno what to do seems like most people seem to be free on the days i'm fact there are no days that i don't seem to busy. probably after this whole ordeal i'd go home to good ol' ph for vacation...not that i hate it here, it's just that people here seem to go by the principle "all work and no play" my opinion that's a definite low.

i'm failin' 'coz i'm too busy. (sorry for flingin' apostrophe's at you guys...even right now.)...i've got myself an organised sched so i won't mess up...but it seems that other unexpected things just suddenly appear in front of my face. i'm sure i won't get cca points, but who can i blame? i'm definitely busy on a wednesday...can't they do it on a monday or a thursday instead? 'coz this is starting to get unreasonable (on my part), 'coz if they want full strength on a choir, they should put practices on when they are most free.

maybe denise did have a point. (never mind what i meant, this was a private convo, folks. dun scold me for being "noisy in choir" (although i was putting my voice low...) guys want me to be antisocial, eh?)

i've been feeling outcasted this past few days...joanna, if you're starting to worry, don't ask me about this...but i'd probably spill it to you anyway. (man this post is getting folks don't continue)...choir's getting different...but i still get out-of-caste (meaning i'm going pariah), the only people that i get to chat with are very unreachable...more elaboration if you call me and i'm willing to talk.

me gots to go...

see ya