Thursday, April 23, 2009



I know it's kinda late, but I'll do so anyway, for the lulz.

Went to school, seriously irritated with my gown. Kept saying words that I try to avoid nowadays, as I keep stepping on the bottom of my gown. I was in the same bus as Ziana, and I only noticed that at the end of my bus ride. Had a little chat and stuff. Went to music room, and like the little idiot I am, I hang it at the string of the projector screen. Ain't it fun?
Played some card game which I dunno how to spell, until Jing Shi was called in by idunnowhoteacher. Later lined up with class, where TTZ said we will surely get a COP. I smirked...we'll see.

Went running for how many rounds at the paarade square. I know that the students playing PE didn't see this coming...Michael ran so fast, so did Amanda. I walked. :)

Afterwards we had "recess". I didn't eat much. :P

Then we had to wear the gown. I went upstairs with Amanda...soon some of my classmates went in the toilet. Amanda was...err...ok, she thought wearing the gown was darn embarrassing (I spelled it right, lol.) Then Ms Lee came and then practiced and stuff...the bun'd up the hair, put on make-up and all those stuff. I still think I didn't put the right shade of lipstick...

Then we went to VCH. Did some breathing exercises, then we saw some SAC peeps. Went upstairs (y'know what I mean, rightt?) then practiced our songs. Ms Lee said to relax and stuff, lol. While the choir before us performed, we prayed to our own gods...I was like, begging to God "I beg you, please let us win a silver!" over and over again and stuff. :D

Went up the stage. Was shivering out of nervousness at first, but everything went well as I let the nervousness go away. LOL.

...then we watched SAC, RGS and Crescent Girl's School (?)...I shall not mention the belly-button and waterfall effect affair in this blogpost.

...went home. Pa asked me what we got, I told him I dunno.

5:30-something came. XY sms-ed me the good news:
CHOIR GOT SILVER. :D (not the exact words.)
So I sms-ed her back:
Yay yay yay! Woot! You aren't kidding me, right?
She sms-ed back:
like duh! Hahaha. F***ing happy :)

....and I was happy. And I felt like I wanted to treat everyone in the world ice cream.

...if only I was Bill Gates or something. *winks* how did I feel?

> that "in-your-face-feeling" if you got something others didn't expect you to get >:)
> Happy. No, glad. No, I mean, ecstatic.
On second thought, let me phrase it as how XY said it: "F***ing happy" :D
> Shocked. Was I in a dream or something? Did I imagine the whole thing?
*pinches self* ...ok, I'm not dreaming, then.
> Speechless. I dunno what else to say.

...well, I still got stuff to do. My post will be cut short, so yeah.

Sayonara :D

Sunday, April 05, 2009

weird night.

I had the weirdest went like this: something happened that me and my family were forced to return to Philippines...when I got there, I joined some group who I thought as friends, then afterwards I was left out, because I didn't want to join their gang fight. Why would I?

Meanwhile, when I went to school, I saw everyone from 4e1 (except Huy, Anh and Tung...I actually wondered why they weren't there) and 2 other guys. At first the teacher was nice, but by the time it was Science period, she scolded me 'coz I brought my sec 4 books when everyone was bringing pri 4 books! I was totally in a blur...I didn't understand why I was in a p4 class.

...then, the teacher said she'll bring us to this place called 'the supermarket'. I'll never understand why it was called so, but actually, it was a pencil and eraser making factory (or something like that). Then, a feirce looking lady explained to us the work done in the factory, and she asked us to fill up the form and choose which job we want to do in the factory. I didn't want to do any job, I knew it was child labour. As a way to escape that dump, I asked if I can go to the toilet...and that lady didn't allow me to do so. And then she asked me, "have you filled up the form yet?", and I was like "no, and I don't want to". She was angry and started attacking me and stuff...out of self defence I kicked her and punched her and stuff, and began shouting stuff (some of which were vulgarities)...In the end, I rolled her up in some mat, and to my surprise, she disappeared.

...then she reappeared, with her husband. I dunno what happened next, the next thing I knew was that I was in some Japanese-style railway station.

...Now wasn't that a blur or what? ^^

if anyone can play this, please let me know. ty and have a nice day.

...und so sagt das verrückt Mädchen.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Waging wars, common sense and some other stuff.

Go figure.

I've been almost at war with everybody...I mean, everybody except my family and friends...
Aw crud, why am I so stupid to get into these messes! They're idiots, they're not worth being bothered about! They should be ignored!
What the pfartgl is wrong with me?! Raaaaaah.

Why am I at war, you might ask?
> guest guy at JS' blog. I know I'm not obliged to do so, but she's a friend, and you know the whole blabbity blah thing.

> some person/people at school who's been bothering Erycka...also not supposed to. *bangs head* I feel like I'm being kaypoh (did I spell it right?) and stuff...

> a bunch of dudes who I (pretty much) intimidated. I was on a bad mood with some people who had no common sense, and when they asked if someone was sitting on that bench we were sitting on, I shot back a "yeah, duh", thinking "of course there'd be someone sitting there you dumb*****" the end they were pretty much f***ed off becomes I was (maybe) looking down on them and stuff. After school, I saw them while Mich and I were walking to the bus stop, and they were giving me this look know, when you make someone angry and stuff? Yeah... yeah, this week had pretty much been a nightmare. I really can't wait to get out of this school ASAP.

> that stinky foul-fish-smelling pathway going to the school
> people who act like they're gangster and stuff but is actually seeking attention
> people who disrupt lesson time when I'm really in the mood (which is on Bio, and on other subjects on rare occassions)
> a bunch of people in class who have been giving me endless headaches (I know I should probably ignore them, but they have the whole class' attention, and I'm pretty much a nobody)
> People who has pretty much no common sense...

Now, I don't have anything against common sense-less people, and I've been called as such by my parents on some occassions, and I'm crazy and stuff. It's just that, they do it every single day! For the exception of go-over-the-fence person, which I've only seen do so once.
And it's sorta irritating.

I need a break.

*drinks coffee*

I think they should a make a class called "common sense 101"...of course, I'd still have to attend.

Derp. *thinks of more random stuff*

Sometimes I wish I wasn't so smart...I don't like the feeling of being envied, and I don't like the looks of people when they think I'm looking down on them but actually I'm trying not to...but I like the looks on people's faces when I outsmart them...(sorry ^^")

...I wouldn't like being stupid either (pronounced in AmE).

...I hate how I become sarcastic even to friends and family.

...I hate not competing with anyone who's smarter than me and who's smug about it. It pretty much gives me that motivation...but it's not as if I hate Huy...he's smart and humble...unlike me who's pretty much arrogant and stuff.

I think I'll go plot something to calm myself...and eat chocolate ice cream with milo powder on it. I won't go emo, I promise.

...und so sagt das verrückt Mädchen. (no translators in this one! woot for me! ^^)