Friday, February 08, 2008

...he was a boy, she was a girl...//

website completion status: 05.0%...too lazy to update.

...just realized i'm hangin' out in the landfill. must escape pretty soon. don't plan to get hooked...well i used to, but it didn't worked out, the guy went for another girl, and it still kinda hurts. which leaves in the status of "don't wanna get help from someone, don't want to trust anybody and don't want to get hooked." don't reprimand me if i'm giving hints. i just don't care anymore.

montag: school. it was pretty much disappointing for me. my english was a downright low. okay, i can express myself in words, but seriously, i don't do comprehension. i can comprehend, thank you very much, i understand english, and i'd rather learn than be tested. oh, yeah, i don't really liked how my social studies test went out.

dienstag: erm...i dunno what happened on this day, 'cept for the fact mr ievan lew called us "moronic" (ok, that wasn't exactly what he said but of course, you know what is synonymous with this.)...lolz, that was darn offending, since, naturlich, he's talking to an express class. said situation was due to nobody (actually, only hoang raised his) raised their hand for something he was asking (who got this question correct?)...of course, we don't admit mistakes, and most of the books weren't checked, so you can't blame us much xD

mittwoch: made to sit under the hot sun before dismissal. mdm liza hasn't given me my emath results yet, but was kinda disappointed with my amaths results. i dunno anything about diagonals, since i'm such a 'tard at this sense, and some careless mistakes...but i liked how i spent the day, btw. lazed off, i mean. oh yeah, there was this guy, well, i'm not really sure what happened to him but he was, well, the time i saw him, he was lying in a stretcher, and i guess you know what happens next (clue: ambulances???)...dunno what happened but womething tells me that some discipline teacher talking to two guys holding a disciplinary slip is related to this. don't ask me why.

donnerstag: watched american idol...loved the flashbacks. can't forget the audition of renaldo lapuz...simply unforgettable. search the name on youtube, you'll indeed find the video itself and a lot of remixes of his audition song. it's still stuck in my head.

watched two movies today...and my arm got a slight burn after i was careless in cooking besuto...and got punched by my bro for his flighty temper. of course, being sensible, i didn't punch back, but my anger was rising to a certain extent.

...gotta go, i got chores to do.

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