Sunday, February 03, 2008


class website making progress- 05.0%.
but i got stuff for it anyway. i only need a good layout. >.<

>>what have i been up to?<<
...well, i'm currently blogging, and editing the website at the same time...this is indeed, going to be big.

THURSDAY: i went for a dental checkup last thursday. darn it, i didn't know it was that bad. i was to undergo tooth filling, extraction and something like tooth removal. there was a tooth that...well...didn't show up, and if it has to be removed, well, i have to go for an operation under local/general anesthesia. i opted for the local one...i don't want to put my life on the line. i'd rather be traumatized about seeing everything in action rather than getting my chances being dead. it ain't my time yet. by the way, undergoing for an x-ray is weird. i got a slight headache after the second one, but perhaps it was on something else.

FRIDAY: amath test was kinda hard, except for the division part. i love division in the algebraic sense. don't like whole number division that they taught me in primary school. dang that was hard. bio was kinda of a breeze, not meaning to brag or anything, at least i don't have to do memorization. just have to know the process, and that's it. although i got something wrong at the last question. *slaps head*

SATURDAY: i played with my bro's/my psp...and i left the fried rice for the fellowship night last night, so i had to buy cake. but it was wasted since no one seemed to be in the mood for cake anyway. played with candle wax with amanda was kinda fun, although i probably couldn't keep up with the resolution i said last night. school's just so darn pre-occupying, you won't have time for yourself, or worse, for Him (i mean God...people nowadays.)...even time management won't work. i mean, what would you use algebra and matrices for? i see no connection with real life. *winks*...i'm just a teen anyway.

TODAY: woke up at 8...ate a burger for breakfast. it was kinda burnt, 'coz i was distracted by a newspaper article when i was supposed to be looking after the patties. but it was kinda nice anyway. folded clothes. took a bath. do i have to go into detail here?

>>what am i planning to do?<<
+finish a bit on the class website. i'm serious on finishing it.
+do homework. duh.
+do something on a holiday i don't really celebrate. (CNY, folks. if my grandmother on my mother's side was still alive, i'd be wearing red and getting ang pow. ^^ ...and eating that thing some chinoys [chinese filipinos] call tikoy.)
+study for those upcoming tests *gets hit by stacks of paper [hp: -100]*

...and that's all folks!

see ya

(inspired by: the sound of the falling rain by mother nature ^^)

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