Thursday, February 21, 2008


deductive reasoning? yeah right, like i have that.

website completion status: 06.0% (really lazy, eh?)

lets' cut to the chase, shall we?

(dang, i've got to get organizer-thingys for this thing. i'm tired of typing.)

linggo: i got the case wrapped up. (what case? check the choir blog tagboard.)...i kinda know who the notorious tagger(s) is(are), although i might not be too sure on that. i won't tell who that person(s) is(are), 'coz i might get myself under embarrassment if i got it wrong. anyway, how did i know?

firstly, the way he tagged. he went on rambling about soccer and stuff and then i knew it was a guy. of course there are girls who like soccer, but i don't think they'd be awful enough to spam that tagboard full of nonsense.

secondly, the time span between his tags. it seems that said person has associates, by the style of his wording and insults, it surely can't be from the same person. or can it?

thirdly, i got a slight hint of who they were the next day. don't ask me why. 'coz i'm bad at explaining.

...but of course, i'm not a detective/sleuth. i told you, these are just guesses. these speculations might be wrong...i wouldn't know. besides, i feel that the tagger ain't willing to budge. i'll have to wait for this one.

lunes: did this crystallization practical for chem. i like chem practicals. they're awfully awesome. ^^ english remedial was, well, i dunno how to explain. but well, teacher said there was an improvement on our behavior. i don't see much difference.

martes: had a very difficult math homework...went to farmart with the old folks, and had fun with my job as "ambush photographer"...too bad i deleted some of my photos, besides the fact that some of them were blurry, but some were priceless in the sense of funny.

miyerkoles: well, mrs wee suggested that my english group should have made a longer storyline for our project, so we had to redo it. amath was quite a blur, i was busy thinking of my projects (more on that soon)...and did not concentrate on the lesson, but i was able to do some of the questions...just by looking at the examples. but the book still lacks examples. i'm gonna ask my parents to buy me that other amath book.

also, mdm wong thought of asraf as a very nice pupil. IT'S ALL BUT A FALSE FACADE. that guy's a complete idiot. he doesn't respect others, so why will i give him respect?
...and besides, he's a whinny spoiled brat.
....but that doesn't prove that i'm not either.

"c'mon. you ain't seen half of me yet."
(translation: c'mon. you haven't seen the other side of me yet.)

social studies debate was most fun. except asraf being a nuisance (soo damn typical. i must consider barging into the principal's office and tell her to expel asraf. if only i had the nerve to do so.), it was...well, nice. aside from the fact that our group's debate was an epic fail. xD

i'll be expecting another epic fail in my maths test. i'll bet 1 cent on that.

on the part of the take2 of the el project, well, i...can't describe it. there were a lot of errors here and there, but hey, we ain't perfect, and at least we didn't take the story from a website a long time ago and reuse it again. on this, you'd better ask anh, 'coz i told her about said topic. (asraf is still a nuisance, and he sucks, and has a mentality on a 1-year-old. i wonder why he's still in express. he failed science last year, as far as i know.)

i had the funnest bio lesson ever. for this ask xy, suhartini, sharmila, anh...we were laughing until my side ached. (crap)

>that...petition, if anyone is still in favour, please, tell me, or i'll cancel it.
>class website.
>learn to do animations out of flash, and then do some work.
>my alternative math workbook.
>homework, like usual.

meh. nothing here except...


now my mind's blank. like empty space.

see ya,


(p.s.: can you believe this post's in technicolor? i mean, colorful? i'm bored, so i had to do so...and can you believe how many i times i've edited this post? that's how weird i am.)

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