Friday, April 25, 2008

philosophically thinking.

"you only get to be a kid once"-a tv show...i won't tell the title.

philosophically-wise (or explanation-to-the-quote-above-wise):
(side note: please don't mind me differentiating adults and kids...i'm still struck at the middle, and i seriously don't think i qualify for "teenager level" yet, and i'm not qualified to be a kid or a tween either.)

i've given this quote much is true, we only get to be kids in around 30% in our lives...and we spend 10% of our lives being teenagers, and 70% being adults (i think so, just a thought, blah blah blah.)

...and remembering what i did when i was young, they were fun times...seriously.
and i still want to have that kind of fun.
that's why i try to be a kid at heart...but that doesn't equal to childishness or whatever. they're both different things.

..but have you realized that the way adults think and the way children think are almost the same? i mean, some might not noticed it...but after close observation, i found out that...
1.) adults would try anything to get something they want (e.g. latest handphone model) like the way how kids would try to get anything to make their parents buy their favorite toy (except in this case, they don't make their own money)
2.)adults still play the "blame game" like children would do ("it's all his fault!"...i confess i still do these kind of stuff)
...right now i can't think of anything else...but you do get my point, right? it gives me this conclusion: no one is really "perfectly mature"

oh yeah, some people may have the qualities of a mature person, but not all of them.
...which means no one is perfect.
...but who cares? if the world is perfect, it would be a complete "bore-fest"...but too much of the imperfect stuff can be bad too...

okay, enough of this subject. i think it bores me to death.

past events-wise: yeahs, the past few days i've been busy helping out in a war (and it doesn't involve real missiles, only words.) , only realizing that i dunno what the heck am i doing...and why the heck am i involved in this mess?

...and until today i still dunno the answers. *sighs*

yesterday, hamza called me...the conversation went sort of like this.
hamza: hi
me: hello
hamza: u got jess' number, right?
me: *scratches head* yes...*was gonna ask why, but was interrupted*
hamza: where did you get her number?
me:...from someone in school... *if you were where i was, you could see me smiling nervously, 'coz i was playing a game against my bro, and i didn't want to lose*
hamza: ok..., how's school? *i know, lame question.*
hamza: it's ok...(you're boring me, man. are you sure the hamza i met at speech day?)
hamza: ...ok, bye.
me: oh wait-
*line dead*

...i was gonna ask him why he asked that ("u got jess' number?"). i haven't been in touch with him for months, same for soham.
...but it is indeed weird. why would he ask a question like that? he hiding something?
...from the tone of his voice and his hesitation to have a small little chat, i think he is. *lol, i think i need a trenchcoat*
...but why?...that's something i might need to solve, if i'm in the mood.

...i told nikita about my little secret about the guy i liked last year (joanna probably knows this). (side note #2: why would i still keep it a secret if i had no interest in it anymore? me and my weird head.) she was like "what did you see in that guy anyway?", and i was like "i dunno..."
...after thinking it over and after that call from hamza (this doesn't imply that guy i liked was him) i thought, "what was in my head back then? what was i thinking? what did i see in that dude anyway?"

...and i thought how lucky i was that that relationship didn't continue. *phew*

*dangit, my pc hang up, and i've got no mood to rant 'coz it resetted my post, sorry for the lack of rant.*

i hate it. i dread it. but it's still there, so i got nothing to do about it except to study, which is against my will (not really.)

blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. i hate u hamza, for putting down the phone on me. blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
don't worry guys, i still have my sanity.

1.) make notes (10% done)
2.) study for exams (10% done)
3.) finish drawing request by gao chao (0% done, i need inspiration like i have during chem class)
4.) watch my diet, lolz. (haha, no progress report here.)
5.) cut out blogging for a while.

so yahs, that's pretty much what i have to say.

see ya!

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