Thursday, April 10, 2008


i haven't been sleeping well for the past few the tons of work sitting on my going home late for speech day practice and german class...yeah. which could probably be the reason i was acting weird these past few days.

i'm sooo sleepy but i can't sleep...the pile of work is calling me...

there's been flamewars going on at the tagboards of xinying and joanna...go with caution.
at joanna's tagboard hamza's been fighting "himself" (or his so-called "impersonator"...i dunno if i believe that or not, i'm a skeptic)...hamza's been acting weird...i mean seriously...i never expected a "f-word" from me shocked.

hamza, i know you broke up with jo...but just 'coz of studies you're gonna break up with her? couldn't you have not started the relationship instead to spare her the pain? be rational, man.

...and i still am a better liar than you, you effing retard. just to give you my payback.
...i mean, to be honest, i was the girl who used to like you but lost interest soonafter...i guess it was worth it to forget about you all this while...and i don't mind what other people will think of this secret i've been keeping since last year. 'coz hamza, i know you're just a sore loser.

...and i don't mind if you won't talk to me on speech day, i've already got a huge network of friends. it's only one little thing, i shouldn't make a big fuss about it like a big, spoiled brat...i'm serious.

..i used to think you're a nice guy and stuff...maybe i was wrong.
i won't mind if you flamewar'd at my blog...i don't care much about that.
and i don't mind if you sever the friendly ties between us.'s more likely i'd be the one who's gonna end you up in doomsday anyway. (pardona me for my weird thoughts, lack of sleep.)


okays, off with that thing.
onto xinyings blog. ya, there's this girl...i went to her blog...and it was full of maple.


....wait, since when was this my business?
i'm out on this topic. let's talk about something else instead.

speech day practice on was a drag. i'd rather have stayed with the prize winners...and why'd they had to cram the practices on last week and this week? it doesn't seem right.

...german test-wise: i dunno what my marks is...but it's bound to be a failure, whether i like it or not.

physics test-wise: dun wan to talk about it. scram.

...can i go sleep now? my sleepiness messed up my ranting-mojo.

see ya,

mariel (that bored person who doesn't know what the heck is she talking about)

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