Friday, August 22, 2008

hello again, my little compy.

sorry to people who i haven't linked yet. i will link you, but now isn't the time. probably when i'm not rushing on a post.

i'm not supposed to be blogging, my parents object to the whole idea. it doesn't make anything better especially if your mother is someone who gets suspicious easily or your brother is such a suck-up, wanting to be parents' pet, wanting me to be in trouble sometimes...but he can be quite sweet most of the time. i guess that's just how youngest siblings behave, or is it just me?

oh yeah. my parents objecting to the whole blogging thing. they have this certain mindset that most bloggers are just immature fools who write nonsense. ok, i'll say some people actually do that.

but not all bloggers are immature idiots. and not all blogs are filled with sick stuff, and blogs aren't mostly owned by emos.

not all bloggers are like the ones you read in the newspaper who get jailed 'coz they wrote something...err, rude, or something.

i blog because i want to. i have rights, do i?

blogging is not wrong, as long as you use it the right way.

though i'm not sure if i am using it the right way. am i?

i dunno. i guess it's up to the reader to decide.

anyways...i still have a lot more to say, but i must be off!

adios, 'till the next post,
mariel (posting in the tagboards as !Lolzx~MarielAnnE...why such a ridiculous name? i dunno also.)

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