Monday, August 04, 2008


heh. i decided to post, since my blog is quite...quiet.

it needs more ruckus.

i really need to have a schedule. i can't go on having to forget this and that...and lose track of this...i'm sick of being scolded. i really am.

i think i'm being deaf with all these yapping, shouting and all this crud. especially if it's the same people every time nagging until you die of...well...nagging boredom.

i am so bored, you know that?

oh ya, look at my very cluttered desk. awesome, no?

but it's supposed to be neat and tidy, like this:

ahh...the sweet mystery of life. ^^

oh yes, dun mind the border on the background of the two was already there when i went here...never bothered to change it.

now to resume my project-making.


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