Tuesday, November 24, 2009

mushroom heaven

i dreamt of a world where we ate mushrooms everyday. it was weird. :/

on another note, i'm effing bored to death.

i don't have a job yet, and even though i want to go on to do some voluntary work, i can't. i has bro-mide responsibilities. or whatever you call it.

what a drag. :(

so now i'm busy writing something. it looks good now, but i don't know how it'll turn out if i read it sometime later. lol. basically, the story's about a rich guy who has this lazy, self-centered attitude who gets a bodyguard, who is a girl, who has this "i am smarter than thou" and sarcastic attitude. of course, the guy thinks the girl is no good to be a bodyguard...and blah, blah, blah. i wouldn't possibly disclose the other parts of the story now, would i?

oh well.

i can't believe i'm saying this, but...


what the f is wrong with me?

*sigh* but i don't want to repeat secondary school. no way. :(

i just hope that i get good, i mean, awesome marks for my o-levels. waaah.

i really miss you. :/

grrr, if only i could go back to ph and forget all of this. but my cousins still have school...i'm not so selfish as to bother them just to fulfill my wants...

i'll just go and play pokemon on my psp then.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

a foxtrot above my head...

Hello again.

I'm feeling romantic. Is it because of the upcoming prom night? Or is it just pms?


perhaps it's because i dreamt of being at a porch of a house, being hugged by a guy. unfortunately, i wasn't able to see who the guy is.

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! what is wrong with me?!?!?!

i'll post back later, if i can.


Friday, November 13, 2009


I'm back.

O-Levels are finally over. Ain't it great?

But this would also mean goodbyes.

Would you still remember me?

How would you remember me?
Would you remember me because I always picked on you, or have been sarcastic to you? Or because I was that person with the longest skirt? ...

We'd all be going separate ways. XY and JS would be going to poly, Michael would be going to some private university, Amanda would also be going to a poly, I guess, and Huy, Anh, and Tung would most probably be overseas.

Me? My future remains unclear. Despite me saying I'd be going to a JC, who knows if I actually can get in to my cousin's university in the US of A?

Why do I always have to be different from the others? Was this my destiny? -_-"

I've separated from my friends many times, and began anew too many times. It is rather sad. :(

But I guess life's like that. I'm weird 'cause I hate goodbyes.

I got hooked on Owl City. :D I like their songs.

Meh. See yah on prom night then.

Save the last dance for me.


Friday, September 04, 2009


-Dead End-

I know I shouldn't be here. I should be studying.

...but I feel like I'm at a dead end.

English....was I guess, quite ok.
Social Studies, well, let's just say the source-based questions were difficult.
Teacher showed us Bio results.
I'm beginning to doubt my own ability. Am I fated to fail?

I cannot let this happen.
I must not.
I'm sorry. I just have to do this.
I cannot let myself be beaten again. I've just had too much.
This failure, it hurts just too much (I'm crying as I'm typing this.)

I guess I have to face this on my own.
Don't worry, I'll be ok.

Thanks for the concern anyway, the simple act of reading this is consolation enough for this battered soul.


Friday, August 28, 2009

hallo und auf wiedersehen

if you can't see the title, it's "hallo und auf wiedersehen(sp?)"

hello because i'm updating this for the first time in months.

and goodbye because it might be might last post for this year.

anyways. on to business.

our principal told us to blog responsibly. well, i tried to. i used no vulgarities (if i did, i would censor it)...and i guess i did look into my grammar and spelling and stuff (please don't mind me typing in small caps - i'm in a rush).

...but i did made a couple of mistakes:
>like the time when i made personal attacks on people on my blog
>giving pretty much one-sided views
>mindless typing, if you know what i mean.

oh well. no one's perfect.

speaking of which. i'm not perfect, and i'm not the smartest student in the class. many things happened during the whole course of august.

firstly, i had my first outburst in class. i cried over a certain thing i do not want to talk about. while i was disappointed that there was no one who comforted me while i was crying (i guess they would not understand, i face such pressures. D:), i was glad my humanities teacher was able to straighten me up and pretty much made me snap out of it and stop feeling sorry for myself.

i was rather relieved that it was not the 'o' levels itself, although now i am doubting my own ability. what if i fail?!

oral exams was quite hard, with me forgetting a lot of things and pretty much embarrassing myself in front of the examiners. *hangs head in shame* but seeing how much more harder the next oral exams were, i was glad i was on the first day. :D i guess God has His ways...

now i am facing a certain question: is o-levels really worth suffering for?

i pretty much hope so.

i have almost abandoned my social life (not like i have any)
i spent sleepless nights trying to memorize formulas and a lot of other things.
...and a lot of other things.

please tell me all my efforts were not in vain.

i've gotta be honest, while i despise my smarts, i envy people who can get a's at subjects i'm not good at...and they make it look like it's some primary school question. i guess i will never be satisfied.

...but that doesn't mean i'm ungrateful person. or something along those words.

my whole class has been quite a pest lately. boys in the class are becoming even more moronic, doing things that cause nothing but bother to those who happen to be their hapless victims (er, what?). the girls...well, let's not get me started over that, shall we?

teachers' day is coming. i'm singing for the teachers, but i'm not going to shame myself once more by dancing to "nobody"...no, please, no.

happy teachers' day, by the way, to teachers from my school who are reading this blog (like there are any).

...now to find that ip tracker...

so long, until exams are finally over.


Saturday, July 18, 2009

living on a prayer

Song got stuck in my head...it's pretty much an old song (i dunno how old), my bro-mide kept playing it while i was browsing my parent's files in my compy (on accident, of course...*smiles guiltily)...

...if you wanna know what song it is, it's "Living on A Prayer" by Bon Jovi. It's quite nice actually. :D

i don't think i'd be updating much here anymore, and still haven't updated my "serious" blog. i have so many thoughts, but i don't have the time to type them down, and besides, i'm trying to lie low on the parent radar.

...which brings to the explanation why i can't go to any class event. i don't think my parents trust me enough to let me go, i'll never know why. i'll try to earn it back somehow, but right now i don't have one of them brillant plans yet.

except stealing the laptop to blog this. :D

yesterday someone told me to grow up. i've been mulling this over many times...i dunno. i feel like i should leave those immature times behind and move out to more responsibilties, but another side tells me i shouldn't grow up so fast...
i feel like i want to be in between, but life does not provide that option. darn it.
...so, now what? i'm not really sure.

O levels are coming soon. i've started revising a few nights ago...don't worry, i take a break once in a while.
People say if you did your best you shouldn't worry about your results. i'm more worried if people don't believe that i already put in so much effort...many would think it wouldn't be enough.
i'm actually more scared of facing eveyone in shame. i'm such a failure. :(

*sips coffee* perhaps i should drink less coffee, eh?

i envy many people who have lesser worries in life. Unlike me who have to keep up that high standards, they don't have to worry whether their parents would scold them for a low grade or being damn clumsy...i just wish i wasn't that smart. i just want to be a normal kid.

...But i don't think i will get my way in that. Because i wished many years back that i want to be someone extraordinary and stuff.

Well, like they say, be careful what you wish for, haha.

...But that doesn't mean i'm ungrateful for being smart and stuff. It does have its privileges.

...But i wish that being smart didn't include arrogance. Even my own arrogance irks me.


'til next post (which would most likely be next month). :)

(haven't you noticed that i don't capitalize my "i"s? well you should. you dunno what you're missing)

Saturday, June 20, 2009




Why am I feeling this way?

Ok. Maybe I'm not so smart as I thought.
Maybe I'm pretty much like Artemis Fowl, who knows almost nothing in "this kind of relationships."


Enough of this blabber.
I only blogged to advertise my side blog on serious business.
Link: http://imnot-anidiot.blogspot.com/

*not bothered to hyperlink. copypaste plz*

I probably won't be updating it often, but I'll be posting there whatever is too serious for this blog. 'coz this blog is full of nonsense, haha.

see ya.

Listening to: Lemon Tree. "I wonder how, I wonder why..."
Reading: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
Drinking: 7up.
Mood: Dunno.

Friday, June 19, 2009


Hallo. Been out lately, now rushing out with homework.

So, anyways.

VJC Choral auditions didn't go out so well, I knew I wouldn't be in, I screwed up. But, there's still hope (aka O-Levels itself). Thanks to all who supported me and stuff, really appreciated it.

Methinks I'm losing weight. So much stress. Haha.

Went to Macritchie (howyaspellit?) park/reservoir a few days back. It was tiring, walking around 11km...We pretty much circled the whole place, we weren't able to go to the treetop walk, but I had fun anyways. Lol, if you call walking fun. Also saw huge spiders and monitor lizards and probably a croc. I dunno.

Also has a warden thingy coming up. Very busy this year, haha.

Still haven't finished my flash project. Back to square one because of whole compy reset.

Looking for dress for prom night. So fast?

Planning to buy F1 tix for parents. Hoping to earn enough money, even just for the walkabout. Haha.

Will continue playing. Til next post.

(still haven't signed up for dA. Will do soon, really.)

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

wheeee *spazzes out*

Hallo, my attentive readers...if I have any.

Man, my overall percentage is low. 71.something%. 6th in class.


I can't believe myself. I was such a slacker.

I could've beaten YJ...if I weren't such a slack.


Ok, enough of self-scolding.

I'm making a DeviantArt account for random purposes. Soon, very soon. :D

(can't think of a better closing thingymajig)

Friday, May 22, 2009

*fails miserably*

Ah. I knew I'd meet disappointment yet again.

I knew we'd be such good friends.

Anyways. I'm quite disappointed with my results. I knew that my "lotsa effort" wouldn't be enough.

Back to the study table then...I mean, during the holidays. And devise another plan. To...um...stuff.

So here are my results (giving out percentage, because I want it that way):
>English: 64[B4] - very distressed over this one. Gotta work hard on my compre.
>EMath: 79[A1] - the only subject where Michael beat me. Must not allow that next time.
>AMath: 50[C6] - a just pass from a pity mark. Still, must not rely on luck next time.
>Humanities: 75[A1] - no good, must work harder.144.5
>Science (Phy/Chem): 85?[A1] - even if it's a high grade, i must try to get higher marks. :D
>Biology: 78[A1] - can't I do better? Yes, I think I can.

...so far I predict that Huy will be first in class. I think Yu Juan will be second...or Xiao Ke.
Me?I'll be 11th. Hah.

I still have DSA forms to print out, and stuff to photocopy.

...doing it like I still got hope.

...I'm even doubting it if I'll actually make it.

...but there's no harm in trying right?

I can't always wait for my O-levels...I feel like I want to do something, but there's always a part of me that says, "you won't make it, what's the point of trying, you dimwit?"

...of course, there are times I try to prove that wrong...but today I really feel like giving up.

So what's my holiday agenda?
>Go for that remedial thingy.
>mull it over if I want to go for that chalet thing (if it's not cancelled)
>do holiday homework, of course.
>expectantly stare at the mailbox, hoping some school would accept a dreadful student like me.
>study, study, study, STUDY!!!
>motivate self to beat...um, y'know...Huy?
>keep hands off fridge.
>remember to go for warden duty.
>beat up the wall, 'coz it was useless.
>put head in toilet bowl. 'coz I'm full of fail and it deserves to go there.
>download adobe flash.

I have big plans for teh futur, but it seems like teh wurld doesn't want to cooperate. DAMN YOUUUUUUU.


Taking note:
>study physics and chem until IT'S STUCK IN UR HEAD AAAAAAAAAAH.
>practice amath and emath until your brain gets a meltdown.
>practice structured essays until your hands drop dead.
>study bio until it's pretty much part of your everyday life.

Being a student's a nightmare, ain't it?

I can't think of anything else right now. Haha.

Off to fill out forms and start writing for my experimental film.

Auf Wiedersehen. :D

(P.S. :Michael and Karl, if you're reading this, I swear I'll beat you. You'll see. Hahahaha :D C'mon, for friendly competition's sake? Lol)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I gots an oral exam later, so I'm gonna make this quick.




...now allow me to sit in one corner and ponder how full of fail my life is.

Thank you.

(note: not going emo, just going through that paranoid result thing phase. don't get it? *shrugs*)

Wednesday, May 06, 2009



I've been sneezing since yesterday, but I guess my sore throat and cough pretty much subsided.

...my classmates think I got the flu, but I'm guessing it's just a minor cold.

whoop. I'm feeling tad better already.

...perhaps all I needed was rest?


Now I gotta go mop the floor, cook rice then revise my geog.


Friday, May 01, 2009

serious business. :D

Hello. :D

I know I'm not updating much lately, and this blog's almost at its grave, so yeah. Can't do much about it, I'm risking myself getting caught again while doing this, but I don't care...at least for today.

So, what is new in this never ending boring life?

> Global economic crisis? so months ago. :(

> Global warming? it sucks. Everyday is very hot, and I hate hot weather. It rarely rains, of which I'm very sad of. I say it's the rich and selfish people's fault, even though I've also played my part in contributing to this problem and is in no position to blame anyone, but hey, those rich and selfish people, in their greed, will waste energy in one way or another...and a lot of other things.

Right now, I'm making the situation worse by using this compy for no urgent reason. And to the reader, so are you.

...so what can we do? I dunno. I'm not in the mood for environmental activism right now.

> Swine flu. Part of me is panicking, and another part of is saying "it's just ordinary flu, only more contagious. No need to worry."

...but with the world seeming to be in panic, how could I not shut that part of me which says "AAAAAAAH WE'RE GONNA DIE WTF IT'S THE FREAKING END OF THE WORLD AAAAAAAAAAAH" ? You tell me.

...weirdly, I'm not in the mood to panic. I'm more worried of the sore throat I got after that chocolate-eating I did last night. (woot)

...so what will I do when it comes to SG? Stay at home, watch TV and do my online homework. And eat chocolate and probably chips. :)
...or panic.

> Mid year exams. I'm clearly procrastinating right now, but I know I shouldn't, if I want to get in VJC through DSA.

...back to work then. :/

will post next time I'm not busy. :P

Thursday, April 23, 2009



I know it's kinda late, but I'll do so anyway, for the lulz.

Went to school, seriously irritated with my gown. Kept saying words that I try to avoid nowadays, as I keep stepping on the bottom of my gown. I was in the same bus as Ziana, and I only noticed that at the end of my bus ride. Had a little chat and stuff. Went to music room, and like the little idiot I am, I hang it at the string of the projector screen. Ain't it fun?
Played some card game which I dunno how to spell, until Jing Shi was called in by idunnowhoteacher. Later lined up with class, where TTZ said we will surely get a COP. I smirked...we'll see.

Went running for how many rounds at the paarade square. I know that the students playing PE didn't see this coming...Michael ran so fast, so did Amanda. I walked. :)

Afterwards we had "recess". I didn't eat much. :P

Then we had to wear the gown. I went upstairs with Amanda...soon some of my classmates went in the toilet. Amanda was...err...ok, she thought wearing the gown was darn embarrassing (I spelled it right, lol.) Then Ms Lee came and then practiced and stuff...the bun'd up the hair, put on make-up and all those stuff. I still think I didn't put the right shade of lipstick...

Then we went to VCH. Did some breathing exercises, then we saw some SAC peeps. Went upstairs (y'know what I mean, rightt?) then practiced our songs. Ms Lee said to relax and stuff, lol. While the choir before us performed, we prayed to our own gods...I was like, begging to God "I beg you, please let us win a silver!" over and over again and stuff. :D

Went up the stage. Was shivering out of nervousness at first, but everything went well as I let the nervousness go away. LOL.

...then we watched SAC, RGS and Crescent Girl's School (?)...I shall not mention the belly-button and waterfall effect affair in this blogpost.

...went home. Pa asked me what we got, I told him I dunno.

5:30-something came. XY sms-ed me the good news:
CHOIR GOT SILVER. :D (not the exact words.)
So I sms-ed her back:
Yay yay yay! Woot! You aren't kidding me, right?
She sms-ed back:
like duh! Hahaha. F***ing happy :)

....and I was happy. And I felt like I wanted to treat everyone in the world ice cream.

...if only I was Bill Gates or something. *winks*

...so how did I feel?

> that "in-your-face-feeling" if you got something others didn't expect you to get >:)
> Happy. No, glad. No, I mean, ecstatic.
On second thought, let me phrase it as how XY said it: "F***ing happy" :D
> Shocked. Was I in a dream or something? Did I imagine the whole thing?
*pinches self* ...ok, I'm not dreaming, then.
> Speechless. I dunno what else to say.

...well, I still got stuff to do. My post will be cut short, so yeah.

Sayonara :D

Sunday, April 05, 2009

weird night.

I had the weirdest dream...it went like this:

...so something happened that me and my family were forced to return to Philippines...when I got there, I joined some group who I thought as friends, then afterwards I was left out, because I didn't want to join their gang fight. Why would I?

Meanwhile, when I went to school, I saw everyone from 4e1 (except Huy, Anh and Tung...I actually wondered why they weren't there) and 2 other guys. At first the teacher was nice, but by the time it was Science period, she scolded me 'coz I brought my sec 4 books when everyone was bringing pri 4 books! I was totally in a blur...I didn't understand why I was in a p4 class.

...then, the teacher said she'll bring us to this place called 'the supermarket'. I'll never understand why it was called so, but actually, it was a pencil and eraser making factory (or something like that). Then, a feirce looking lady explained to us the work done in the factory, and she asked us to fill up the form and choose which job we want to do in the factory. I didn't want to do any job, I knew it was child labour. As a way to escape that dump, I asked if I can go to the toilet...and that lady didn't allow me to do so. And then she asked me, "have you filled up the form yet?", and I was like "no, and I don't want to". She was angry and started attacking me and stuff...out of self defence I kicked her and punched her and stuff, and began shouting stuff (some of which were vulgarities)...In the end, I rolled her up in some mat, and to my surprise, she disappeared.

...then she reappeared, with her husband. I dunno what happened next, the next thing I knew was that I was in some Japanese-style railway station.

...Now wasn't that a blur or what? ^^

if anyone can play this, please let me know. ty and have a nice day.

...und so sagt das verrückt Mädchen.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Waging wars, common sense and some other stuff.

Go figure.

I've been almost at war with everybody...I mean, everybody except my family and friends...
Aw crud, why am I so stupid to get into these messes! They're idiots, they're not worth being bothered about! They should be ignored!
What the pfartgl is wrong with me?! Raaaaaah.

Why am I at war, you might ask?
> guest guy at JS' blog. I know I'm not obliged to do so, but she's a friend, and you know the whole blabbity blah thing.

> some person/people at school who's been bothering Erycka...also not supposed to. *bangs head* I feel like I'm being kaypoh (did I spell it right?) and stuff...

> a bunch of dudes who I (pretty much) intimidated. I was on a bad mood with some people who had no common sense, and when they asked if someone was sitting on that bench we were sitting on, I shot back a "yeah, duh", thinking "of course there'd be someone sitting there you dumb*****"...in the end they were pretty much f***ed off becomes I was (maybe) looking down on them and stuff. After school, I saw them while Mich and I were walking to the bus stop, and they were giving me this look like...you know, when you make someone angry and stuff? Yeah...

...so yeah, this week had pretty much been a nightmare. I really can't wait to get out of this school ASAP.

> that stinky foul-fish-smelling pathway going to the school
> people who act like they're gangster and stuff but is actually seeking attention
> people who disrupt lesson time when I'm really in the mood (which is on Bio, and on other subjects on rare occassions)
> a bunch of people in class who have been giving me endless headaches (I know I should probably ignore them, but they have the whole class' attention, and I'm pretty much a nobody)
> People who has pretty much no common sense...

Now, I don't have anything against common sense-less people, and I've been called as such by my parents on some occassions, and I'm crazy and stuff. It's just that, they do it every single day! For the exception of go-over-the-fence person, which I've only seen do so once.
And it's sorta irritating.

I need a break.

*drinks coffee*

I think they should a make a class called "common sense 101"...of course, I'd still have to attend.

Derp. *thinks of more random stuff*

Sometimes I wish I wasn't so smart...I don't like the feeling of being envied, and I don't like the looks of people when they think I'm looking down on them but actually I'm trying not to...but I like the looks on people's faces when I outsmart them...(sorry ^^")

...I wouldn't like being stupid either (pronounced in AmE).

...I hate how I become sarcastic even to friends and family.

...I hate not competing with anyone who's smarter than me and who's smug about it. It pretty much gives me that motivation...but it's not as if I hate Huy...he's smart and humble...unlike me who's pretty much arrogant and stuff.

I think I'll go plot something to calm myself...and eat chocolate ice cream with milo powder on it. I won't go emo, I promise.

...und so sagt das verrückt Mädchen. (no translators in this one! woot for me! ^^)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

random lolness. :p

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net



Sunday, March 15, 2009

Hello. ;D

First and foremost, I'd like to apologize to any people I've hurt in the process of keeping up this blog, and to those I will hurt later in this post.

Why am I apologizing? I dunno.

Anyway, lemme summarize what I did for the past few days, my shenanigans, my plots (not really, wouldn't divulge these kind of stuff), and my whatnot.

Last day of school.
Our class had scolding from Mdm Tan (bio teacher)...but I didn't mind, because I was busying myself reading Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony. I hope she won't kill me if she reads this...Anyway, I've completed the whole series, of which I've read in a non-consecutive manner. Smart, no?

Then there was speech day practice. As usual, I was reluctant to go, but I decided to go anyway. Talked with Erycka (will call her that from no on, I guess) about Artemis Fowl and that "blasted puberty" thing Artemis said in the book...and made fun of Carl "Kalabaw" and Jericho "Jerica/Unggoy"...

...then all hell broke lose when they gave us our March Holiday Choir practice schedule.

I was so darn angry, I actually wanted to stab someone if I had the chance or beat the living crap outta someone. I mean, it's unreasonable to have choire practice during the holidays, shouldn't we be given a rest? Seriously, especially us sec 4s...you maybe dunno half of what stress we would be having, especially me.

So I got angry, and unintentionally angry at some people (you know who you are)...but I pretty much calmed down after some jokes at the MRT with Erycka and Esther. Lol.

Then, I went to church for this meeting-thing. There were only 5 of us, not including the three cathechism teachers...they planned a bible-study like group thing starting next fri. I can't wait to get started...I'm dead serious.

wardens and filipino mass.
Was tired out in the afternoon. Had to fetch my bro for catechism...and then rush down to get him upstairs for mass while doing warden duty...now you see what stress I am in. But I like being a warden...much more better than getting stuck in choir, no offence.

Then we had filipino mass, so I had to stay back with my parents at church, preparing the food and stuff. I observed how people come and go so quickly when food is served. I haven't even finished a chapter when people started leaving, and I read pretty fast.

I came home, very tired. Oof.

feeling sick and stuff
It's been raining since noon. And I've been watching my bro play Sudden Attack since this morning...I know of a certain someone who's also playing Sudden Attack (besides me and bro-mide over here), but I've never had a rendevous with him (did I use that word correctly?). Don't plan to anyway.

I'm not feeling well, having the stomach upset. Must be the snack I ate.

Hopefully, I might go for choir tomorrow. If I don't, well, something must be wrong...

Man, my stomach hurts. It's like...I can't explain.

I think I need to use the toilet. I've been keeping it in since...a while ago, I guess.

See ya

Friday, February 13, 2009



Won't see me update for a while. I can't use the compy, unless for important reasons, but I'll still update as long as I do not appear suspicious.


I ran, OK?

I'm not that type who runs, though. I wish I waited for Amanda, Jing Shi, Xin Ying, Michael, Anh, Huy...you know...instead of running. Why? My efforts was all in vain.

Anywhoo, 4e1 got 2nd overall class champion. I'm surprised, it's the first time our class gets an award in cross country. I'm also surprised Syarhul got 2nd, I expected him to get 1st. And I'm also surprised to see most of the guys in our class running. Or run past me in that matter.

I ran the first half. Second half, I ran a bit, then chatted with Amanda, who gave up because a few people ran past her. Lol. Then I walked, and run a bit. But I mostly walked...or strolled. I dunno.

I saw a few teachers wear class tee. Was disappointed 'coz our own form teacher didn't wear it, but Mdm Liza and Ms Hao did.

Afterwards we took a class pic with some teachers (Ms Kah, Mdm Liza...um, I'm not sure who else)...and then we went for pizza! I was acting silly...threatening to put Tabasco in my drink and all those stuff.

Everything Else:
Watched a "rerun" of Avatar today on okto (I call it a rerun 'coz I've watched it already at Nick)...I have to say I'm hooked to Avatar, but I won't be a hardcore fan like I did for Codename: Kids Next Door. I other words, I won't be an "Avatard".

I'll be playing SuddenAttack, which seems similar to CounterStrike. Since the controls are pretty similar, I guess I won't have trouble with it except adjusting to the fact that you can't buy in-game or you can't put in scripts (but I haven't tried doing so). And also adjusting to the map and a lot of other stuff.

I won't be a pro in it though, I have studying to do.

Speaking of which.

I dunno if I'm improving or deproving. I can't tell. Really.

But, I know I have work to do with my E&A Math. Seriously.

And I know I satill have to find the balance between academics and CCA. I hate the pressure Choir is giving to us students to get at least Silver (not being a pessimist, but I know this won't happen)...I have studies and a life outside school! You can't expect me to have free time to go for extra choir practice, especially now that it's O-level year...My studies are still more important than my CCA...I don't care whatever choir gets for SYF. I'm more concerned about my studies.

My church stuff is still more important, though. Lolol, warden duty ^^

Gotta go now.