Friday, December 28, 2007


lol...i wasn't able to do much of any holiday homework...i've been pretty busy the past few weeks.
i am soooo doomed.

it's not my fault, i have to look after my my parents out in helping with the arrangements for the church on the simbang gabi-thingymajig...and also assist in that christmas-party thingy.
and i think no teacher would believe this or understand this.

...not even a fellow student.

so why give us holiday homework? isn't holidays supposed to be nothing related to school? (this has been a student's point of view. they always heard about the parent's point of view...and the teachers need rest too, you know?) aren't we students supposed to switch off our minds just this once? can't we have that one month without anything related to school? you can't blame us slacking off in school, 'coz we weren't able to do that the whole vacation...we were slumped doing homework.

and another note: some parents actually think their children might be free the whole vacation, so they started making us go to some camp, or something extra-curricular (in my case it would be flooding my room with laundry and asking me to fold it. :P). no matter how much we try to convince them that we have our own lives too...well, it makes things worse.

and now my pc acts like crazy.

i heard that joanna's really set on changing schools (reason: "biology's pretty futureless for me" [joanna, somewhere near end of school term])...i'm sure about soham ("i got accepted in RI!"-soham, translated from sms form)

me? i'm staying. reason?
1)"wala nang slot sa hai sing or sa chij ehhhhh"-my mom [translation: there are no more slots/vacancies at hai sing or at chij...]
2) i'm pretty adjusted to good ol' btss already......
3) i lurrrrrve bio!
4) dun wan the whole changing-school again routine. i've been through that, and seriously, you wouldn't like it....or you will?
5) what? i'd be learning to use flash next year anyway...i don't want to lose that chance...;P

so goes my list.

and if the whole gang changes school, i'd be lonely and alone, which i wouldn't mind, since i've been actually alone the whole school year.
and ever since that guy came everything started crumbling.
i remember that time when joanna told me she liked him i ask myself what the heck does she see in him? he's not really that physically attractive (nor am i, for that matter)...
or has he been covering up his true self when he's joanna and shows us, joanna's friends, a different side of him?

well, he has been acting strange when jo's around.

but i don't mind if no one believed me...i know nothing.

i'm as dumb as a rock.

see ya

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


hi! merry christmas!

what have i been up to the past few weeks?

i was out on simbang gabi, a filipino's kinda like a novena...we attend mass for 9 days...yup. despite some annoyances, and standing up for the whole duration of the mass 'coz there's a lot of people, it was kinda ok...i was able to meet robert sunga anyway in the process. however i only got a photo...i wasn't able to get an autograph -_-"

--next paragraph erased due to lack of interest--

--end of deleted paragraph--

oh yeah, i have been hearing some songs down the net, and i think this one's kinda good (click on the words "this one")

i gotta go...going to watch national treasure ^^


Thursday, December 06, 2007


huzzah! 50th post! *celebrates*

ok. i'm back. it's december. there's that certain frosty air that's settling in (i hate makin' up phrases like these, lol)...and i'm not half done with my homework. why won't they let us slack off during the holidays? they know we're also busy during the holidays, they're only making our holidays worse! i positively hate holiday homework! can someone tell me why the heck are they giving us holiday homework? i mean seriously, we, the students, are not robots who don't need to rest.

ok. enough of the rambling.

*breathes in, breathes out*

i haven't been able to play audi for a long secondary pc ('coz my bro own'd me into owning that pc) my father had to "reset the pc". so all the files had to go "bye-bye". and now i am currently bring things back into normality. and now my audi skills sucked. not that i'm complaining or anything.

*types* this keyboard sucks and my pc lags.

i won't be able to design a blogskin, so don't expect anything from me until i get that dreamweaver-thingy. however, i can still edit my sketch-thingies without the use of photoshop, 'coz i'm using something somewhat similar to a photoshop. so i can design something for my upcoming project. lolz.

so what is up with the times? i know some are having jobs right now...i'm currently doing a home job (in simpler terms, house chores)...i don't think i'm gonna get paid (lol) until school begins (in the form of school allowance xP)
sometimes i hate staying at home but sometimes i like hanging out with my parents 'coz i like the way how witty they are. it might be embarrasing to some, but hey, it's not as if you can replace your parents (the replacements? yeah right, as if.)...i've learned to accept them as they are, they're my can even check my dna on that, lol. although i kinda doubt that part on the dna thing. not really sure on my existence and stuff >.<

wow. as nikita said one time when we were riding bus 58 together, "when it's nearing school vacation you'd wish it's school holidays already, but when it the school holidays you'd wish that school days would start already." well, she did had a point on that one, especially when i'm suffering from "school-holiday syndrome" already. i am bored as heck. anything interesting would only interest me for one time only, don't ask me why, because although i know the reason, i wouldn't tell you. :P

that's all i can pour in...hope i can still ramble on and on and on...but my mind's blank. lol.

mariel, signin' off! (didn't expect that, eh?)

Friday, November 23, 2007


moot. what is moot? it is a word, and i bet you geniuses could figure it out without a dictionary, since i know you got a plethora (sorry, my keyboard kinda sucks right now and i don't bother to backspace/delete) of words. but here's a hint to the clueless: it's related to being a lawyer or something, somewhat, somehow.

okay, on with what i was really gonna say. my brother and i (actually, it was only my bro, but we decided to share it 'coz it has 3 chars anyway) got to play in grand chase sea's closed beta! how cool is that? i mean, it's a privilege to spot bugs and all for the admins to see...i mean, the game's quite buggy at this moment, since it's still in its first stages and all (i saw a guy complainin' about why the ba-word wasn't filtered out yet...i bet it's filter ed already.)...but the game's great! so to anyone who wants to join me in the closed beta, i can invite guys over, as long as you give me your email (via tagboard). (i suck, no? a complete nerd? but hey, i'm not that nerdy. i tell you, even though there's the latest technological thingymajig i won't learn of it until 1 month or year later. and besides, even though i look nerdy in school i do have a pretty decent wardrobe (w/o miniskirts, 'coz i loathe skirts, even my school skirt.))

so 'kays. pondering over why i kinda flunked it over and got third lead me to some of these conclusions:
>i was ignorant. i left my german and took it for granted, although i'm pretty active in lessons i still would usually be absent. but now i don't think the words "i-got-important-choir-practice" would be a reason for me to skip class. i know my cca activity would be in grave danger, but let's just hope i won't be in the wed-class next year if you don't want me skipping important practice for the sake of my german.
>my sched's pretty tight nowadays, unlike my "o-po-nents" (okay, it's opponents, but i am not really sure how busy they are. do i look like i snoop on their houses and monitor their every single move? nu-uh, not on my watch), 'coz starting when i am home i'm already busier than i am in school. i got chores, plus homework and i have to add in my free time with my bro...i don't want my bro remembering me as "not being there"...
>well, i have been daydreaming this whole while, i think this might be the cause why i am not attentive in german class, eh?

well, that's all the logical reason i have came up with, but as far as the stats go, i think no one would even know that i have been posting stuff in my blog. my blog is in the verge of deletion, folks, and unless someone tag me sometime i will delete this blog. 'coz no one would even care. i mean no one would understand what the heck am i posting about...and i'm pretty much unpopular, which is somehow i never cared about 'coz why should i popular here 'coz i wouldn't be popular in the whole world and what use is it to someone like me? seriously?

and besides, my life is pretty mundane.

so. okay. what interesting thing happened to me this whole week?
no idea.
*wastes letters for fun*
the only thing i'm looking forward to is my schoolbooks to come...they'll keep me pretty occupied.

okay, so what are the words of the day?
moot, plethora, mundane.

-m*****(will finally have the courage to post her real name up this time), signin' off.

Monday, November 19, 2007

what they say isn't the whole story...//

i erased bits and stuff of this post. i'm not in any paper's commentary anyway (man this keyboard sux...i meant my own pc's keyboard, my usual pc was transferred to my brother's ownership so i have to make do. :P).

so what am i up to nowadays?

currently i've been on the wiki lookin' up on volcanoes (for no apparent reason...), sharks, whales, and some astronomical stuff. those things were really interesting.

yesterday i was occupied watching mickey's magical show...i was actually "dragged in" to watch that show, in other words, i was reluctant 'coz my parents already know that i'm a kid no more...but this was more for my brother's case, who isn't really a fan of any disney-related thingymajig (my influence? nahh, although it was more of his choice xD) except for his minor weakness for mickey mouse playhouse and backyardigans...i'll have to say i have no comment over this. the show was filled with "crazed" mickey fans, i'll have to guess they hailed from all over the world, judging by people speaking in different languages...whatever, at least my parents didn't let my bro waste on some merchandise he's gonna leave around like the rest of his stuff.

also, yesterday i found out that soham's also been diligently doing his work like usual...found his name on the maths website for clarifying the answer for question 6 and 13ii...i also found this one out even before i started working on the holiday just look at digits given...then you can find out the flaws in the answer key...easy, hmm?

also, i've been to joanna's friendster and saw her shoutout...commented on it (you'll have to see it for yourself.)'s a sad truth that we've been playing maple with immature children (good thing i quit), in the sense of they are kids, probably some of them are spoiled brats, i mean c'mon, some of them wants their own way to get through (not you amanda)...i mean, do u notice how packed the servers are during nighttime? and the fact that the 2nd person in the rankings is actually a sec1 going sec2? and that guy even is such a--, let's just say he's irritating.

i just hope those types of people won't leak into cabalsea or ro2...'coz i'm planning to play on those two, if ro2 doesn't go p2p.

Holiday Homework: Science (done!), Math (week 2 pending), Social Studies (workin' on it)

any people transferring schools? mich, most probably, and i'm quite confirmed of soham going RI...i might be transferring despite of my "i'm hopeless"sayings, 'coz my parents are thinkning of transferring me over to CHIJ St. Joseph...i haven't told them about my decision yet, though.

oh, and my parents are thinking of enrolling me into piano lessons, although i was hoping for guitar lessons or violins...although flutes might also be a good idea...

*salutes**chomps off a snickers bar*
lyzz, signin' off!

Sunday, November 11, 2007


...i've been thinking, i know that 2E1's class chairman was a "flunker"(i meant, wasn't really deserving)...and i was thinking that this time we should think of a chairman who would be more deserving of the job...i'm not talking about myself though, i've "been-there-done-that", although being in an electoral position again would be kinda nice...^^

whatever, school's still far away anyway, isn't it?
but hey, we better get this wrapped up, unless you want another useless chairman.

meh. don't mind the last part i said. let's worry about it next year.

let's talk about the upcoming class blog that wouldn't appear if i will be too busy for the past few days. what would it's tagline be? would we use the same blog 'til sec 4? what blogskin style should i use? who would be the official administrator? would there be assistant admins? would there be a "totally new and revamped" class forum? it's up to all of you guys. i wouldn't start unless you give me opinions, 'coz this thingymajig would be ignored unless i get everyone's opinion, and this thing isn't for me only, it's for the whole class. and besides, it keeps class memories, good or bad.* this a memorial service or something?*

if you don't want me to continue, just tell me. if it all becomes a failure like last year's because of my general incompetence, i won't mind. seriously. i'd had bigger failures.

ok, let's talk about what will happen next year.

i know some people in 2e1 would be in 2a-classes, and a 2a1 person and 3e1 people would be joining our class, i'd like give a big "welcome to the class" to those who are joining in. but it doesn't end there. our class might be split because of our population (40, can you believe it?) ...and i heard there are foreigners coming in, but i'm not sure in which class they'd be coming in. but as far as i know most of them are the usual type (chinese people...can't they give us some other-country students, not that i hate the usual-type foreigners, but i'd like to have a, i dunno, a japanese student perhaps? that would be fun!)...dunno if they'll pass the principal's expectations 'coz they're undergoing the interview process.

i wonder who will be our form teacher? i really hope she's nice. and i hope our math teacher(with an "s" for those who are taking a-math) wouldn't/won't be so booooooooring. i still have to do physics (although not fully) so that's gonna be a flunker for me. well, that means i have to try hard on this. and besides, i can't wait for the science fair next year! my head is already makin' up some crazy ideas (joanna knows one, but it's top secret info. very classified. *winks*)...but i don't think it's gonna make it for the "display".

Holiday Homework: Science (done!), Math (finishing week one), Social Studies (strugglin' with the source-based questions)

ok. the "hams" are clearly smarter than me, and i think soham's pretty much "smooth-sailing" with his holiday homework. probably same goes for hamza. so why don't you guys go straight to jc instead? besides, i think soham would say, "being jc's so very easy"....hehe, just kidding. i support you guys and congratulate you two for being in the top 2 positions.('coz i'm merely a 3rd placer, hehehe. ;P)

see you two in class next year and also in speech day (if you two are still in btss) ^^

lyzz, signin' off!

P.S.: haven't you noticed how long this entry is? i have.

Sunday, November 04, 2007


before anything else, i would like to say that i, the girl whose real name starts with m, has finally gotten over the whole "i-was-actually-third-in-class-because-he-got-better-mt-grades-than-me" thing. but seriously, who can blame them? it's their mother tongue. me? i'd be sec 4 when the whole "filipino-is-considered-as-a-mt" is finally approved.

i know. nothing in this entire world is fair, which also might be the reason why i got third in class (i got over it already!) no matter how hard i try.

whatever. i'll just let it be. there's always a next time.

so 'kayz, i heard mich's gonna transfer schools, joanna's thinkin' of doing so too. hamza's still wanting, i mean, aiming to go to victoria sec (reason: cricket, lolz)...i dunno about amanda, xy and js though. same goes for soham. me? i have no hope of leaving the school. i wanted to go to nus high school of science and math...that school sounds awesome, you academic means.

well, advanced sayonara to all those who are leaving. although i don't see any difference between the "combined" and "pure" part of science they're offering. they're almost the same anyway, so i see not much reason to, um, erm, never mind. and besides, i don't think the words "pure biology/physics/chemistry" sounded like proper english. what would i know, i'm an AmE user, unlike the vast majority here that uses BrE. :P

i feel very emo today, or was it because of the music i'm playing on the pc?

oh yahs, hooray for a-maths! and bon voyage to amanda, xy and js!

currently, i'm trying to find my previous classmates at ph on friendster. so far i've seen some people that does seem familiar...i dunno if they remember me (i don't think they do...)...but i'd rather not get my hopes high.

>new class blog (3E1)
> studies thingymajig
> card?

Holday Homework: Science(done!), Math(ongoing), Social Studies(needs help)

lyzz, signin' off!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

diagnosis: hysterical.//

okays. since this blogskin doesn't show the title, i'll tell you what it is. it's "diagnosis: hysterical". why was it so? i'm beginning to think i'm insane, ever since that "i-bonked-my-head-into-the-wall" incident...i didn't go to the doctor after that, since i though it wasn't very serious, i wasn't feeling dizzy anyway after that and i didn't faint and die after that...but i think i got my self a head concussion (see for details)...

nah. impossible. i'm just makin' up stuff.

anywayz, hooray! school's out...finally, vacation! time for a little r&r!

and i'm in the express class next year (ya, it was very obvious...but remember when i got 12th or 11th place in class?)...hope i get into the a-math express class-type...thingy. xD

i got 2nd place...blame my german for it...and my art improved to a b3! how cool is that? perhaps participating in my mother's gardening isn't so bad after all!...well, even if i get 2nd place, it won't mean i'm satisfied already...even if i got myself a new handphone after that...i still have to strive to be first. sec 3 won't be that easy, you know.

>wait for november 6...getting sick of the suspense. :P
>make blogskin
>sketch stuff. what stuff? when i'm in sec 4, you'll probably know.
>work on my art...second reason for the agenda above
>work on my math...i study too much, but it's worth it, okay?
>finish this pile of laundry
>enjoy the holidays...
>ask my father if he filed "the leave" already (not resignation!!!)
>keep eyes glued to deviantart for endzone final results
>sleep xD
>do holiday homework! VERY IMPORTANT!
>less eating...more working.

that's a lot to do...but school's a long time away, right???

a definite no. i don't have all the time in the world. dimwit.

lyzz, signin' off!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


okays. i have typed in the part two for the previous post...but i'll hide it for now. of course, i'll indeed show it sometime, but now isn't the time.

whatever. i'm not going to school tomorrow...i'm overworked...i need some rest...i just came from camp and now i have to go to school the next day?!?! c'mon, like i'd give in to that. every person needs rest. unless of course, they want us to die or something, which i suppose isn't the reason. i know going to school is important, but my health is important too. i might get anemia (AmE, dimwits...i don't know the BrE spelling for this one.) for this.

hmmm...i wonder who got first place in class...anyone who knows please, PLEASE, tell me by tagging me. i need to know...i'm dying of suspense....*dies*

hehehe, not dead yet. xD

i'm sunburnt. x.X

will be posting back soon.

lyzz, signin' off!

(this is probably my most nonsensical post in this blog's history ^^)

Friday, October 19, 2007 response to what others say...//

people think my school is all that "budget" and very lousy. well, people say that because one thing: they one school is better than the other and people in one high-class school is bound to be smart. i think this something i might call elitism. just because someone comes from a "lousy" school DOES NOT mean that he or she is a complete idiot. perhaps this "thing" is because of the different standards of different schools is better than the other. i have no idea why is this so.

anyway, i think people shouldn't judge us just because of what school are we in. it shouldn't be so. it's just jumping to conclusions. jumping to conclusions suck. it really does (refer post below).

however, about the "budget" school thing, our school does have money to improve things. it only just matters about priorities (why the heck am i speaking like a mature person even if i'm not? coming of age, i guess.). i think us students should be more appreciative of being in a schoool. we are lucky enough to have parents who work hard for us to have an education, whether you like it or not, and to have a government that supports for our studies when we don't have enough money for our studies. some people in my country are so poor, they couldn't even afford to go inside a public school, which the cheapest school to go in, since it's public (duh!), and they dream of going inside a school, wanting to be educated. and anyway, just because our suggestions aren't being implemented in our school doesn't mean our school is "budget"'s just because our suggestions weren't that important enough, not that i'm saying it's useless. as i said, it's a matter of priorities.

i am not speaking in defence of our school, neither am i speaking on the side who says our school is definitely lousy (not that i'm saying it is.). I AM ON MY OWN SIDE, since i have learnt to not go with anyone's trend, however popular it may be. but someday, i must learn to be decisive and stuff.

i don't go with the flow, sometimes i go stubborn as to not let me go with it...and sometimes i go ahead of it. and no one ever notices.

no, this post ain't finished yet. there will be a continuation. it's just that i don't have enough time. ^^

(what's with me speaking maturely, it's just that this is my point of view. if you think it's downright immature, go on with it. bring it on. see if i care.)

i shall return. ( i am not general mcarthur...or however you spell his name.)
lyzz, signin' off!

Thursday, October 11, 2007


i hate it when people get the wrong impressions. i hate as much as you hate it too. so, can you people please CUT IT OUT unless you want it to happen to you too.

(why did i post this one? okay, this is why:

from: ****** : "haiz u in love huh?cos ur blogskin told u off lol just kidding"
i know there's that "just kidding" part, but it's kinda offending for a person like me to be jumped to conclusions at....and c'mon, that person didn't like it when i told her my "speculations" about her and some guy in particular.)

now that's covered...i can go on to say that i'm not changing my blogskin until further notice. no...this blogskin isn't for fact i don't like (as in like-like), love (as in bgr-type) or infatuated with anyone...unlike someone i know (no, it's not you, joanna) who's crazy enough to post about her in his blog.

rawrz. school stressed me out i feel like a wrung-out piece of cloth...more like a tattered piece of old cloth. i feel kinda feverish, but i don't feel like going to a doctor...self-medication, anyone? ;)

grrr...that calculator-head (anyone knows who this one is???email me the answer and probably i'll give you a treat! ;P) finished his math paper 2....i lost around 8 marks because of the last question...8 marks means a lot to me you know!!!! (man, i got anger issues)...he'll surely beat me to first position in class *bids farewell to hopes of being 1st in class*

crap. yesterday, my german substitute teacher (she's absolutely nice) told us (the whole german class) that our marks will be sent to our schools...i wonder how the teachers would react? my results are a direct equivalent to crap...i really mean it, although i know nothing of my results. they won't be given us those results. *sobs*

i am planning to straighten up my hair again around december...and also around the holiday season my parents are planning to go to hk...i hope everything goes as planned, i don't want the same thing happen like our last holiday trip (man i hate that bus driver!). that trip was a disaster. meh...but i won't be going there just to shop or go disneyland *shivers at the thought...but will go for a roller coaster ride (indeed!)*...i just want to go there (hk) to escape the whole school thing! hoo-ha! xD

i am soooooooo weird.

lyzz, signin' off!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007


did mich's true friend test twice...'coz i'm bored as heck. i want to take a break on pythagoras' theorem for a while.

crap, i can't take it off my head.

anywayz, science was quite challenging. don't call me "action", i didn't say it was piece of cake. in soham's case, it is. it's positively easy for him. he's a genius, with an IQ higher than mine.

*deleted paragraph*

i got pwn'd by a piece of paper. i mean, a bunch of papers stapled into two groups. plus an otas sheet. xD

okayz. *sniffles, 'coz i got a cold*

well. soham might think he's all smart and stuff. he thinks every test is easy. well he is. he might be in JC if he wanted to. (i think he never heard of this one, though. i'm wishing i could be in JC already, the less time i have to spend in an educational institution, the better.)...well, even so, i still think i can still be in the 1st position in class. i believe i can. nothing's impossible, except perhaps reaching your elbow with your tongue. xD

i won't screw it up this time. and i won't be over-confident just to let my hopes be crushed. i can fail, but i am ready to accept my mistakes or anything whatsoever. i better get back to studying. ;)

lyzz, signin' off!

Friday, September 28, 2007


finally. i found a new blogskin down at

i'm so darn sleepy.

why am i blogging when it's the exams week? 'coz i'm crazy, that's what.

anywayz...i'm off to revise for whatever exam comes next.

lol. voltage, current and resistance.

lyzz, signin' off!

Thursday, September 27, 2007


this com is so laggy!

...will be changing blogskin soon. and will be designing a new one sooner or later.

i must be crazy. said the f-word once this morning...which i told myself i wouldn't do...but it was out of pure anger and frustration! c'mon, who would want getting splashed by rainwater?


like i got anything to say.

i just come here for fun. so. now. what. should. i. do. next.


look for a new blogskin, perhaps?

lyzz, signin' off!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


i'm going crazy! >.< i think with all this stuff to do's and whatnot, i might just end up in a lunatic asylum just because of too much stuff going on.

first of all (this is not an essay), i got this exams coming there's this tons of revision worksheets...i know they're for our own good, but it's completely making me crazy-go-nuts! plus i lost my "inspiration" for my art what am i supposed to do? go move out to another galaxy, start a new life there and try to adapt...or move to another country...or maybe move to another school or something like that.

whatever. i'm just another deranged so-called everyone calls me "action"'s not my fault, i'm just doing what i usually do in a test or an exam...and most importantly i never cheat...i'm not idiotic enough to do so.


i might be losing my friends just because of this "gift" but why can't they just accept me for who i am????? *completely in a crazy, insane state of mind right now...and frustrated* maybe i should just change schools...they won't mind, and it would be better for them 'coz there wouldn't be much competition anywayz.

i'm completely losing my cool right now...with this pre-exam stress i'm facing, who can't help but being frustrated and that urge to bang yourself to the wall? i need something to "blow it off" with...perhaps killing monsters would help...

whatever. i'm off to study, and pour out my stress by punching a pillow. xD *like i would do that*

lyzz, signin' off!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

...err, yah...//

it's human to err, you know.

i could be back blogging like the usual if i am able to sneak up. my apologies also for not going to the bbq party thing and not finishing the ipw project.

misery loves me so much, huh? i've been very busy lately i rarely have time to do fun stuff...including this.

if i want to and if i get hold of a videocam or digicam, i might go vlogging. without my face on it. how? use a sock! xD

lyzz, signin' off!

...nothing gold can stay...//

we all learnt it the hard way.

(btw...i had 1 post ommited and 1 post in drafts 'coz it's offending)

jina died on monday...(or was it saturday? >.<)...i miss her so much, she was such a nice person...i couldn't forget th time we first met her, the first day of secondary 2 life. she was a smart girl, and i will always remember her. we went to her funeral wake a while ago...i tried to hold back the tears but it started flowing uncontrollably until that area below my left eye became irritated because of repeated rubbing of tissue paper on that area...almost all of the girls cried...her mother cried so loudly i felt sorry for her since of course she was jina's mother and jina was their only child...i also saw min jung there, i also saw her crying because she (jina) was kinda like her (min jung) best friend when min jung was still in btss...her mother told me she saw me in jina's pictures, possibly those pictures jina took in class...i feel really sorry for her parents (second time saying it.)...tomorrow they will go back to korea so this is like our final farewell to jina.

things happen so fast. most good things don't stay for too we must treasure them.
...which is possibly what robert frost(?) meant.

-ommited sentence--end of ommited sentence--

i officially quit maple during the school holidays. which is also part of project: new leaf. i almost forgot about that project until the september holidays.

*salutes...this time it's for jina*
lyzz, signin' off.

[man, my blog's cobwebby. haven't updated it for a long time...i'm not as free as some people...]

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

...currently isolated....//

man...i haven't been blogging for days...months probably.

and i just recently found out charis got a blog. (nice blog btw, charis...^^)

*oh yeah, apologies for the crappy spelling in the previous post, i do honestly swear (not supposed to do so) that it was me behind the crappy spelling+post 'coz i was such in a, ya.*

*watches in front of the so called "cobwebby" blog*, anywayz, wazzup? (the ceiling, or perhaps the sky!)

some people i know might think i'm all immature and stuff, and i've gotta admit, gettin' to know myself and all, i am kind of immature (even though i just said so myself! ^^)...but that doesn't mean that's who i am overall. i like to be straight to the point...i like to tell it straight, i don't like to be pushed around. i tend to be jealous sometimes (no, amanda, i wasn't jealous of you guys not attending class yawnz0rz.), but that's because i'm imperfect, like all people are. NOBODY'S PERFECT, remember? even though i'm pretty smart and all, but i don't have the looks of a perfect girl...some people call me a nerd, but, why force me into a skimpy short skirt? it's not that i'm not proud of myself, it's also not because i'm making an image that i'm a nerd (whcih i am clearly not)'s because i like to be someone that some people call an "individualist"...someone who doesn't mind to be an outcast because that person isn't "with the flow". sure, i like keeping my skirt long, i do mind if my blouse is not tucked in, i like my socks being high (but not as high as soham's xD)....but that's because...well, i'm used to it that way, being brought up in a family who cares a lot about modesty and being enrolled in catholic schools when i was younger (primary school, dimwit) and all...

...i am not crazy. ok, some might not like it with my "outburst of enthusiasm"...but it's my way of saying "do you even know i'm here?" in a subtle way, although some might not get the message...but i'm not an attention seeker...and i don't want all the attention...i just want to be understood. it's a simple wish, i know. that's outta my mind, i'd like to say "wahoooooo!"

btw, today's ndp was too short, although i like the chinook helicopter (that helicopter can carry a tank! ain't that awesome? ^^) and the other stuff...but i didn't like the offence, but it needs a little tweaking...that thing that makes you go "ooh...ahh" and have that certain awe and wonder (look, i'm not used to this phrasing), that cameraman needs a bit more makes me go dizzy, if you were watching the tv telecast, you'd probably know...not that the ndp can be better, though. ^^

seeing all the blogs from my fellow classmates are...well, weird.

...gotta go back and surf the net. just found something from newgrounds (yes, i do go there.)
...and do some relinking for this blog.

*salutes twice, one for SG and another for unknown habitual reasons*
lyzz, signin' off! ^^

Monday, July 30, 2007

mro bro brekdancing....

here's a video of my bro dancing.... and i'm very bored!

Thursday, July 12, 2007


it's like, it's been waaaaaaaaaaay back when i last posted.

okay. the last few weeks have been real crazy...i dunno why.

i won't be posting for a long time though (how many times have i said that? i bet it's 10.)

lyzz, signin' off!

*this post have been posted nowhere from the usual...^^*

Thursday, July 05, 2007

nothin' to do...

nothin' to post...just another version of canon...^^

Monday, July 02, 2007

here goes nothing ^^//

class blog got new update!! check it out!

okayz...last friday (freitag?) was very wierd...refer to jing shi's blog for more info...

i finally found my long-lost tie after searchig for it for almost a blog's turning two this year on 3 fast time goes by...and this layout was only in plain black at that time...^^

and it had around 150 hits, 'coz this wasn't really popular. >.<

i have to say...project: new leaf is going quite well, although i haven't taken out blogging outta my system.

i gotta go...busy with a lot of stuff.

lyzz, signin' off!

*don't forget to check out the class blog!*

Sunday, June 24, 2007

some endings and some beginnings...//

ok...the slash's intentional...and as for the tagboard, i might do something about that soon.

and when i mean soon, it might mean never.

i might quit blogging, since my bro apparently framed me with the pc and started "spillin' the beans". so now i'm stuck with blogging in school. but i decided that i wouldn't. 'coz i'm turnin' over a new leaf.

and...since this is the last day of vacation, i just would like to say goodbye to min jung, since she's changing schools.

as for the turnin' over a new leaf...i'd better explain it in...i dunno...simple terms?
i've been thinkin' it over, and i was thinking of reverting back to my sec 1 ways...the quiet "only-talking-if-i-have-something-important-to-say" type...'coz i don't like the way i turned out last sem.
but i won't change the way that i speak off my own mind...'coz if i keep it to myself, there won't be change, everything will be the same, nothing would improve in my "better" kind of way...but if it hurts needs thinkin' of. (bad grammar)

i got sick of michael talking about maple the whole time...he never sees me (or joanna) talking about audition all day, and he gets annoyed if i (or we) does so. he might think amanda or xin ying or jing shi never get annoyed, but I AM. i'm completely sick of it! (i know michael might kill me because of this...but who the heck cares.) it's like maplestory's his only life. my advice: get a life. there's more to life than maple...there's school *we're all stuck with it*, there's our life at home...a lot of stuff. and i like to enjoy it just as that. 'coz we got only one life to live it! (M1 commercial xD) (blah...thinkin' too deep)

*no people were hurt with the making of this post...neither was there any people hypnotised in doing so* <---just for the fun of it!

lyzz, signin' off! ^^

Thursday, June 14, 2007

whacked in the head and gettin' up again...

...well, you should, right? (ya, i know you wouldn't understand 'coz the title's not shown.)

is everybody already crazy about love since i left??? ya, i know you would think i'm overreacting...and you might think i'm immature (ok, you got me on the last part...i'm a bit of that, i gotta admit.)...but lookin' at jo's, amanda's, xy's and js's blogs...their blog layouts are filled with love (as in a iloveu relationship...b&g???get it???)... and my cousins think they're crazy 'bout love. no offense. xD they're already grown up, and i'm still in my own little world and know nothin' 'bout love...and haven't been in a succesful what???? it's not like i'm the only loveless person around, is it?

now, about my trip back to the ph. it was a blast! although, i did get a bit sunburnt... >.< :P cannot express in words what i did in the ph...but i had an extremely fun time with my cousins...and my niece (? correct noun ?) "choo-choo" xD. my bro got sunburnt in the process of swimming too. but it was fun while it lasted.

now i'm gonna go and look up for blogskins. nad get my medicine...'coz i'm sick.

i'm a little man,
and i'm also evil,
also into cats...-this ain't a scene-fallout boy (misheard lyrics)

Lyzz, signin' off!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

so saaad...

i'm complainin' to no one for no apparent reason.

most of our teachers are going already. some are teachers that i'd like see them leave, but the others are so nice, i don't want them to go.

list of teachers who's leaving:
1. Mdm Yap (i don't want her to leave!)
2. Mdm Saadiah (art comment.)
3. Mrs Wee (english teacher...don't want her to leave also)

...amanda's depressed about mdm yap leaving. seriously.

i got nothin much to say...xD

lyzz, signin' off.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

i'm no one's fool

i'm nobody's fool.
don't try to make me into somebody i'm not...'coz that's who i am.
i don't care if you hate me for being myself, i'd rather be hated for being who i am than be loved for who i'm not...'coz it feels awkward to act like somebody else. i don't care if you hate me for being crazy, for being "smarter" than you, for writing up the board, for being "not contributive (although i can work on that)"...'coz that's my life, and that's me.

wonder why i came up with this post?

because...i don't want to talk about it. perhaps when i want to, i'll tell you why.

sayonara for now...

oh and btw, we're going to philippines on the june holidays, so don't expect much posting...^^

...and i hate spammers. but i don't mind if you spam my blog, not that i'm allowing you or anything. i'm replacing it anyway anytime soon.

lyzz, signin' off

Thursday, May 17, 2007

aAaAaAaA...i'm just another post...

i'm seriously gonna kill wei meng. spamming my blog for no reason whatsoever. as one of hitler's assistants did say, "this is insane!"

kekeke...i did nothing in german class, except watching a movie ("the downfall", a movie about hitler...xD) and looking at my german mid-year exam paper after they've been checked and marked...i got 62.5 out of a low right???

i'm such a failure this year. at least i improved in my maths...but still there's those korean girls who always get the highest, if not, full marks in every maths test my teachers give. i'm abetting the maths here is easy for them 'cause they probably learned it in korea. probably they should go to a korean school's not that i hate them, in fact i do like them as friends, they're nice people.

i got nothing else to talk about anymore. :P

lyzz, signin' off ^^

Friday, May 11, 2007


next day post??am i posting nowadays too frequent just because of my previous absence?

nope. ^^

i didn't find a new layout because i kinda dozed off in front of the computer...and also because my parents have to reboot the system (or something like that), so now it's back from scratch. no audition, no maple...just because i was lazy to make a back-up disk. well, not much a big deal anyway.

also, my wireless connection to the 'net turned crappy, as in going off and on and off, so my father said we have to use "wired" internet connection. or something like that.but somehow it's kinda slow...>.<

so now i'm off to...uh...i potato chips?

lyzz, signin off

Thursday, May 10, 2007

i'm blue...xD's the post-exam blues...the one when you feel like you're gonna fair everything and then you feel like you're gonna be, i dunno, kicked out of school(?)...xD

now i feel like eating something...-_-" my friends list here is getting's waaaaay more bigger than my friendster friends list...for some insane reason i dunno...

and now i'm gonna go and look for something else to update this blog, like...a new layout! ^^

lyzz, signin' off

Thursday, April 26, 2007

lol...short one indeed.

just passed by....nothin' special....


btw, gl jy on the midyears!

Friday, April 20, 2007

gawrsh, a cop

ya, we got a cop for choir. ain't that disappointing?

anyway, we got speech day comin' up. i still have to finish my chores...enjoy the song "girlfriend" by avril lavigne...xD


Monday, April 16, 2007


i know it may not be that good, but i managed to get a new layout from blogskins.

ty blogskins. ^^

how dimwitted am i?

"How dimwitted am I?
Let me count the ways..." that from some piece of paper I never saw before...xD

Why am I so idiotic?
Why am I so gullible to even believe that everything I know is real? (deeping much more deeper. real deep.)
Why I never bother to change the blogskin? (Because I don't have time to do so, unlike some people who have all the time in the world... The world is just unfair. They only have to do the light work and I do the hard work. Well, most of it, I guess...>.<)

Sorry 'bout that. If it refers to you, I'm truly sorry. 'kayz, there won't be much upcoming this week, 'cept I guess SYF, Speech Day, Mid-year exams, yup. One frantic, busy, chaotic, stressful week.

I can't believe you would lie to me. x.X

I will be posting the next time i can get my hands on this pc.


Tuesday, April 03, 2007


lolz...check this out!

no posts for the meantime...xD

location: @ home, doin' homework


Monday, March 26, 2007

too dead to even bother...

hi all...never posted for days...

this will be a short post...won't be posting for a "short" while...

Anyway, the forum will be up and going...but, it's not official. OK?

(Post sent from the "moon" xD)

Sunday, March 04, 2007


So yah...I haven't been posting for days...x.X

So okayz...the class forum will be closed down...'coz I'll be busy for the next few days.
Yes you heard that right. (Sorry Kevin, you won't be a mod. Lolz.)

currently listening to: Sk8er Boi- Avril Lavigne
Reading: the "new class blog"
Eating: nothing


Sunday, February 25, 2007


I don't feel like myself today...and I'm not supposed to post today.

Regarding the past few days...I've been a lot busier...and i feel like the whole world's against me. *sob* I'm very depressed, but i don't need counselling.


the only good thing about this weekend is no homework.

This blog will be updated every Thursday from now on...please remind me from now on

Reading: my own diary
Listening to: my brother's ramblings
Eating: Lay's Sour Cream & Onion

Lyzz signin' off! *salute*

Saturday, February 24, 2007

The class blog is up! ^_^

oh's up. check it out:

and about my new blog layout: I cancelled it. Someone accidentally deleted the HTML format, so I won't be changing the layout for quite a while.

Currently reading: Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring (book 2- last chapter)
Listening to: My Happy Ending-Avril Lavigne
Eating: Cookies ^^

Lyzz signin' off!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

lyzz's (-_-") blog update...thingy. might have noticed the blog's haven't changed.

here's the reason: i'm working on a class blog (which they do not really deserve, after all the hard work which will be done during the whole designing thingy) well, actually my class blog, about my class obviously, which i hate pretty much except for a few, those guys are absolutely irritating! (zzz... they don't know what i've been through)...and i won't get it done unless i put off one of my projects, which is this blog. updates for the meantime...please standby, don't change the "channel", will be right back after designing the class blog.
